Chapter 12

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Hey, guys. Guess what? This update is on time, what? Insane. Please leave a comment if you like it, or even if you don't like it, comments always make me so so so happy. Enjoy!

Lance sat on his couch, mouth hanging open and cheeks burning. Shiro had said he loved him, but it was as he was leaving and he didn't really put much thought into it. It had probably been a mistake, right? Like when you accidentally tell the waitress that you love them or something.
Blue needed food. Lance put some in the bowl he'd bought, then put water in the other one. Blue was so cute when he ate, he made little sounds of contentment and drank water in between every few bites.
"You are such a little weirdo, Blue. Thanks for being here." Lance smiled warmly at his cat.
Feeling much better than he had the last few days, and even that morning, Lance decided: he would go back to work tomorrow, everything would work out. He'd have to remember to thank Hunk, he had been a lifesaver.
For now, though, all Lance really wanted to do was relax before he went back to work. Deciding on a relaxing bath as his method of calming, Lance ran the bath, making sure to sprinkle some rose bath salts over the hot water.
Lying in the hot water, breathing in the scent of heady roses, Lance couldn't help dozing off, warm and calm, perfect.

Shiro arrived at his house with a burning face, still embarrassed about his last words to Lance. Maybe Lance wouldn't notice, or would think it was an honest mistake? God, Shiro hopes so. He was so stupid.
When he entered the kitchen, he came face to face with Keith, leaning against the counter observing his painted black nails.
"Oh, uh, hey. Keith. Hey. You waiting for me to make lunch? Sorry about that, I'll get right to it." He started taking out a pan and all the ingredients he would need for a simple chicken vegetable stir-fry.
As he cleaned the vegetables, Shiro noticed Keith's gaze following him intensely.
"Do you want help?" Shiro turned to look at his nephew, surprised by his question. His mouth turned up at the corners.
"Of course, buddy. Grab a knife, you can help me chop these vegetables."
Unsure if he was imagining Keith's small smile, Shiro just deposited the mushrooms and carrots on a chopping board for Keith, while he started on cutting the chicken into smaller pieces. They chopped up the onions and tomatoes together, Shiro tearing up while cutting the onion, and soon enough, they had a wonderful meal warm and ready in front of them.
They ate their share, Shiro asking Keith about school and Keith glossing over most details but at least answering the questions. Yes, school was fine. Sure, he was getting good grades. Yeah, he was doing his homework. No, he hadn't made any friends yet.
Shiro paused there, wanting to ask more or encourage the boy to make an effort, but not wanting to seem overly protective or controlling.
He settled with a "You will," hoping desperately that it was the right thing to say.
He really did hope that the young man would find friends he could count on, find a new life here.
With all that had been going on with Lance, Shiro had almost forgotten the very reason they had come, and what Shiro should have been concentrating on: Keith. Shiro couldn't really get a boyfriend, he had to take care of Keith. Not to mention, most guys didn't want to date a guy who was taking care of a teenager, no one needed extra baggage in their life. Shiro would have to become more focused, he knew that. So why did the thought of it tug his eyebrows down and bring cold to his chest, put ice in his stomach?

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