Chapter 5

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Wow, two parts in one night. Go me! This part is really short, though.

Shiro could not believe Lance had bumped into him, and he hadn't even known what to say. 'Hey, Lance. Sorry for making you fall on your butt and also sorry for stalking you all week at work, even though I know perfectly well you're taken.'? Yeah, that'd be a conversation starter. Now he was sitting on the couch at home, leaning back and sighing disappointedly whenever he thought about it, but then also sighing dreamily whenever he thought about Lance.
Keith was sitting at the table in the kitchen/eating space, so he had a clear view of Shiro being dramatic and sulking on the couch. Now, Keith was used to being the pouty teenager, so he was confused and entertained by Shiro in this state. After several hours, however, he felt it was enough.
"What is it?" he asked the grown teenager.
Shiro immediately sat up straight, his eyes widening at the younger boy. Had Keith just asked him about his problem? He was showing he cared?
Keith, however, just stared back at him, annoyance clear in his expression.
Shiro hadn't realized Keith had been watching him, he hadn't even noticed him sitting at the table. He had been too far into his thoughts at that point.
Opening and closing his mouth, much like a fish, Shiro found no words to explain why he was so out of it. He knew why he was, but couldn't exactly tell Keith it was because of a crush. He'd never live it down.
"Grownup things." he replied, his voice slightly more gruff than usual. As soon as he said it, he knew it was probably not the best choice of words. He was proven right when this just made Keith sigh, roll his eyes, and go back to doing his homework.
'Great,' thought Shiro. 'He finally starts communicating like an adult and I treat him like a child. No wonder he never talks to me.'
And with that thought, Shiro heads to bed. Maybe he wouldn't be such a screw-up in his dreams.

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