We Are in Serious Trouble

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Jean and the rest of the group were lounging in a hotel, along with the group of Americans.  Evelyn and Rick were arguing again, Evelyn insistent with staying there until she figured out how to stop the monster Jean and her accidentally raised from the dead. Jean watched the two run about in the room, Rick trying to pack her stuff and Evelyn taking her items back out of the suitcase and into their original spots. And without paying attention, smashed Rick's fingers with nonchalantly closing the suitcase, still babbling without noticing Rick was cursing and gripping his hand. Finally having enough, Rick glared at Evelyn, 

"Look I agreed to take you out to the desert, so I did my job, end of story, contract terminated!" he huffed out. Evie looked at him with a wounded expression and softly asked, 

"Is that all I am to you, a contract?" she questioned, extremely hurt by his choice of words. Rick took a deep breath, steepling his hands before grabbing Evelyn's shoulders and looked her directly in the eyes, 

"'Look you can go with me, or you can stay and TRY to save the world." he stated flatly. Evelyn's eyes turned as dark as steel, 

"I'll stay." she defiantly said, jutting her chin out. Rick threw his hands up exasperated and started walking out, 

"Fine!" he said looking over his shoulder. 

"Fine!" Evelyn retorted back angrily. 

"Fine." Rick said sarcastically before walking out the door, leaving Evelyn in a huffy mood.  Little did she know Rick was only going downstairs to cool down at the Casbah with Jonathan. They were all chatting with an old war veteran named Winston who wanted to join the rest of his platoon in the afterlife instead of drinking his life away. You may just get your wish, Rick thought in his mind when the mummy appeared in his mind's eye. Rick and the rest of the bar raised up their glasses in salute before spitting the liquid back out almost instantaneously. O'Connell's eyes widened as he saw the water fountain no longer a clear, translucent blue, but a thick, churning shade of blood. 

"And the rivers turned as blood." Jonathan said aloud, quickly paling with realization on his face. 

"He's here." Rick said with his eyes narrowed knowing that Evelyn and Jean were alone and unprotected. He quickly exited the Casbah and started running through the fort, trying to locate them both. 

Jean was walking with her sister, reading an ancient Egyptian book about the Pharaoh Ramses and his daughter. As they rounded the corner Jean wasn't surprised to see Rick running towards them, shouting Evie's name. Jean felt her lip quirk up, happy to know Rick still had a fling for her sister, until she noted the slight panic in his voice. 

"We got a problem..." he started but was cut off by the sudden shrieks of men catching on fire. The sky was RAINING fireballs! Jean took a step back before having a roar pierce her sensitive ears nearby. She whirled around to see Evelyn and Rick heading up the stairs towards the place they heard the awful sound. Jean, not wanting to get scorched, quickly scurried up the stairs with them, entering the quarters of what used to be Mr. Burns, the man Jean vaguely met under horrid circumstances back in the tomb. He was no longer a man but a sickly gray dried corpse, his mouth weathered in a permanent scream, with veins popping up throughout his body. Jean backed up terrified, only to be greeted with the sight of the mummy looking more human as a new layer of skin appeared on him. And what was worse was that he had her sister by the throat, cursing at her in ancient Egyptian. 

"No!" Jean heard herself shout out, reaching a hand towards them and before she realized it she had grabbed the creature's arm and tried hitting it to release who sister who was gasping for air. 

"Please stop!" she pleaded out in ancient Egyptian. Jean heard a few rounds of bullets go off and hit the being. The monster growled and dropped Evie to the floor and Jean immediately helped her sister up, putting herself in front of her as a shield. The mummy's eyes widened at the sight of her, remembering her all to well as the woman from the tomb. He took long strides forward, grabbing Jean's shoulder and moving her to the side before pushing Evelyn into Rick's way so the rest of the group that joined was knocked down. He then turned to Jean, sauntering towards her. 

" You saved me from the undead. I thank you." he deeply said in ancient Egyptian. Jean slowly backed up, shielding her hands up as if in surrender, lightly whimpering when she felt her back hit a bookcase. He was leaning his face down closer and closer, and Jean closed her eyes in fright not wanting to know what this thing wanted to do to her. Then by some miracle the being in front of her was distracted when he heard off key notes playing on the piano. Its eyes widened in immediate fear as he saw the cause of it was a white fluffy cat. It hissed at him instantly, its fur going up as it arched its back and the creature roared in terror before quickly dissolving into a sandstorm, gently brushing Jean's cheek before exiting through the windows. Jean tried to catch her breath when both of her siblings ran to her, hugging her in a tight embrace, all of them worried as to why the monster they awakened kept coming after Jean....

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