Chapter 1

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Venus POV...

As I grab my coat and keys I make sure I have the correct address pulled up on my phone as I track the bus to get to Rocks restaurant. As the buildings pass I think about the milestones I've reached and where I plan to go now and why I'm going there. I have another twelve years in this game, maybe fourteen if I cut down on the hits I take starting now.

I walk into the restaurant and see Rocky standing behind the hosts podium, he looks up and I smile. Hey unc how you doing?He comes from around it and hugs me tightly, I exhale and hug back just as tight as we pull away. “Ohh Venus it's good to see you. Haven't seen you in a while how you doing?

I'm doing good, I just came from a random place in Panama fighting how are you? How's treatment going?He leads us to a table and we sit down, I listen to him as he does a aged sigh from sitting down It's been good I'm recovering really well and fast. My docs said it's gone.I nod, I feel bad for not being here for him, I should've been there. “That's great Rocky!! I told you everything would go great, I'm just mad I couldn't be here to help you with everything I'm so sorry.He waves away my apologies and I grin.

Oh please relax I had someone else who was around to help. I want you to meet him you two are alot alike.

Yea I saw you guys against Ricky,  Adonis I've heard about him in Mexico while I was down there. He good.He gives a nod before looking to me. “You still fighting solo?

Yup, got to so many people wanna take too much without giving anything, that's why I was in Panama for so long had too many fools trying me. And that includes my brother.

I just can't believe you took on this life. You're beautiful and smart, you can literally be anything.Ugh that nasty phrase. Playing it off with a laugh Well someone gotta represent the pretty girls who can fight too.

Rocky:I guess. You busy this weekend?

Me:Nah, why?

Rocky:Come down to my gym.


Rocky:Stop asking so many questions now do you want something to eat?

Me:*laughs* Alright Rocks and of course down there all I was living off of was bread and rice.

He chuckles and grabs me something to drink with something to eat. He sits down in front of me as we talk.

So just to be clear, you Rocky Balboa are asking me to work with you and Adonis Creed?” He gives a nod and starts to gesticulate with his hands.

Yea, you need a crew your growing you made your name quicker than everyone thought you would you keeping your father's name alive and I'm happy.Well that was kinda a backhanded compliment, but I guess I'll take it?

What changed?He pulls the fork from his mouth and sighs shaking his head as if he's just now really thinking about it. You, Adonis, this treatment, the struggle going through it.” Way to guilt trip me into agreeing Grandpa.

Sure, I'm in.”

Great! See you at 4 am. Tomorrow.That right there is some bullshit, I groan and throw my fork down and he shakes his head.

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