Chapter 2

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Venus POV…

I wake up at 7 o'clock to start on my drills. When I check my watch it's 10:30 and Rocky is calling me.

What's up Rock?

Duke is about to come pick you up are you dressed?

Yes and Rocky stop giving this man my information.

He asked. He's down the street. Go outside.

Once I grab my purse I hear a honk and I run down stairs and out to the truck. I jump in and Duke pulls off.

“Her people are already here ready to meet with us.”


Duke:This will be your first televized fight. Aren't you excited?

Me:it's not my first televized fight I had some in Honduras.

I roll my eyes and and plug my headphones in and close my eyes waiting until we pull up to Rocky's restaurant. Once we do I get out and close the door I walk in and see a woman standing talking to Rocky. They look at me and Adonis walks in from the back. He daps and hugs me and shakes hands with Duke. I take my headphones out and drop them on the table I stand next to Rocky the lady looking me up and down with a type of look on her face.


Lady:You sure you fight?

Me:Yea, why?

Lady:You don't have the body of one.

Me:Yea I do, Its called my body and I'm the boxer not my body. Now anymore questions?

Lady:Fiesty isn't she?

Duke:Thats nothing.

Me:You trying to do this fight or what?

Lady:Of course but Mr.Balboa said to wait for you.

Me:I'm here so let's get to it I got things to do.

The lady smiles and we all sit down Adonis standing behind me and Rocky she pulls out some papers and hands them to us Adonis looking at mine. Its scores from each of me and Angels fights. My scores a little higher than hers I look at the lady and raise a eyebrow.

Me:OK on paper I look better than her. I know this now what's up?

Lady:If you fight Angel you will take her spot as being the second best female boxer in the Mid-West. Then you'll fight for the title for best female boxer in the world.

Me:Again I know this, this isn't my first fight love, Why you pick me out of everyone?

Lady:*sighs* Angel is losing it. You've passed her older scores and scores as of today. I want this to be her last fight. She wants to give it to someone who deserves it and I know its you. You've stayed under the radar but everyone has noticed you since a few years back.

Me:I know when my bitch ass ex exposed who I was.

Lady:Thats why so many boxers were in Panama wanting to fight you. It was so many reporters and things at every fight.

Me:Y'all was spying on me? For what?

Lady:Because your a brick house when it comes to this. It seems natural. You and Adonis. Some people may just want the name against theirs but others want the person. So will you fight her?

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