Chapter 9

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Venus POV

I sit on the plane waiting for them to allow us off. Viktor to my left his hand holding mine. My trip to Ukraine was amazing, Viktor wasn't really up to showing me everything that made up his life but one thing I'm not is a shallow bitch. I don't expect everyone I know to live in a mansion hell I don't live in a mansion. Once we got over the basics he started teaching me some phrases in his native tongue and had me speak while we were out and I'm pretty good at it if I do say so myself.

It was nice to just relax and just be, of course I trained with him, and that's the reason why we are back in America, he's taking on some guy who has a bigger mouth than Adonis. Who I've talked to and still has beef with me about being with Viktor but he's not as evil anymore. Once we touch down I have to go to the hospital. I'm sure the test was accurate but I'm hoping not. I'm praying I'm just bloated or I ate too much in Ukraine and my food is determined to stay with me. That the random bouts of nauesa is from my body just getting used to different air.

Once we make it to my car where Kyndall is waiting, she tackles me and I hug back just as tightly only for her to pull back and her hands aim for my stomach only for me to smack her hands away. She stares at me wide eyed and I shake my head. “I'm going once we drop Vik and Ivan off.” She slowly nods and we get inside. Viktor and I sit in the back his hand on my thigh as I lay on him the trip making me exhausted.

Once we get to their hotel Ivan tells me goodbye and me and Viktor stand to the side at the door.

“I will see you later? Make sure to tell the doctor about everything okay? Don't leave anything out.” I smile and nod. “I'll see you later okay? Get some rest babe.” I kiss his lips and he kisses back and before long Kyndall is honking telling me to come on. She's decided that she is going with me. I wave to Viktor once more before we drive away heading to my doctor's appointment.

“You're finally going huh? What made you?” I look out of the window and sigh.

“Ivan was the first to even notice a bump, I was sparring with someone in the gym and he cut it all short making me sit for the rest of the day, then he made me eat enough to feed six Dukes. That night they talked and suddenly Viktor is making me take a test. Which came out positive.” I watch her nod and she looks at me and I shrug already knowing her next question.

“Ivan is happy with the idea of being a grandfather, that's probably the most emotion I've seen on that man's face since I've meet him. Viktor he was okay with it but wanted me to go get checked out because I guess he put two and two together and figured out that's why I was upset after the fight. He's more concerned than anything. Said that once I get a definite answer then we can talk.” She smiles and I roll my eyes and I sigh.

“I don't think I can handle the answer mentally Kyn, like I know... I know I am but going is just gonna make it real and I can't do real, not right now. I'll have to be put in a psych ward.” Kyndall smacks my arm and I shake my head I'm telling her the truth. I currently faking my knowledge of the situation in general I'm trying to pretend that it's just a normal check up that I won't be expecting a certain amount of time to be given.

“It's scary, I'll tell you that but Ve, if anyone can handle this it's you. You can do this. Don't think of it like your life is ending think of it as if you have a new challenge. A challenge that boxing can't touch. Think of the positive of this.” I look over at her before getting out once she finished parking. I check in and right away I'm taken to the back, once I'm weighed and she sends me to the bathroom to do the test, once I finish and I clean up I'm sitting with Kyndall as the woman asks me questions about why I believe I'm pregnant and when I suspected my last period to be.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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