Chapter 22 - Searching

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A/N: Thanks for the the 3000 subscribes! I'm so happy! You guys are great! Here's an early chapter of Hoseok's POV to show my appreciation! <3 

Also, who else got ATTACKED by Hoseok on Jimmy Fallon's show? Look it up on YouTube if you didn't see Hoseok destroying lives. 


I rubbed my temples, sighing. "Let's try this again, shall we?"

She was hopeless, really. A bundle of stubborn and untalented, wrapped in an awkward package. How was I supposed to get her ready for a ball in a couple months on top of my competition next month? I didn't have time for all this.

Risking my life, I pulled Y/N into my arms to show her the dance again. I brought her close to me, guiding her hips towards mine with my palms.

She shifted uncomfortably.

"Get used to this," I said in her ear. "Many experienced men will touch you like this."

She wrinkled her nose.

"I mean," I corrected, as I cleared my throat. "Experienced dancers. They dance close. Dancing is as intimate as it is social."

"I don't think I want to be intimate and social with everybody," she replied flatly.

I nodded, trying not to smile. So innocent. "It's a good goal, but you don't want to insult your future guests either. Just follow my lead. Stop being so damn stubborn. Just trust me."

For the first time, I felt her relax in my arms. Her hand went to my bicep, and her other hand shifted in mine. They were sweaty and a little rough, but easy to hold.

Her martial artist body had to have some rhythm in it. I was going to find it and put it to use in this dance routine even if it killed me.

Which it very well might.

"What are those things I see people do in taekwondo?" I asked. "Where you blend all your moves together? Think of dancing as one of those. I do a move, then you respond simultaneously."

She thought about it for a moment, then nodded.

I taught her the steps again. She wasn't natural, but she caught on eventually. We graduated to spinning, which made her laugh. Women naturally loved to spin. I supposed Y/N was no different.

"Why are you smiling like that?" she asked.

I fixed my face. Was I smiling? "What do you mean?"

"You were smiling, I think."

"Don't be stupid."

"Why am I stupid because you were smiling!?"

"Nevermind it. Keep practicing."

We worked for another half an hour. She wasn't smooth, but she at least had all the steps down by the end of the lesson.


"Alright, that's enough for today." I said, releasing her.

She nodded, her eyes drifting to the floor. She looked exhausted. The weight of the world was clearly laying on her shoulders today more than other days.

I tapped my foot.

"Thank you," she said quietly.

She began to walk past me. There was no snarky remark or evil glare.

She must have been broken today.

"Wait," I said.

She turned back.

I struggled to bring the words up. What was I going to say anyways? It's not like I could fix her problems.

"You did well today." I said.

Her eyes shot open. "What?"

"You did well," I repeated.

She looked as if she was going to ask me more questions, but as she took a step sideways, she stumbled. She looked down. Her shoe had come undone.

I scoffed walking to her. I leaned down, holding her wobbly ankle, and fixed the strap on her shoe.

"There," I said. "Better?"

She looked down at me, silent. She nodded.

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow."

She looked at me for a moment, then turned and left the room. I sighed, watching her leave.

"Is that stone heart of yours starting to bleed?" Yoongi asked behind me.

I forgot he was there for some reason.

"What do you mean?"

He smirked, looking at me. "You've been nicer to her this week. Don't think I haven't noticed."

"I haven't done anything different." I replied.

"You just pulled a Prince Charming move and fixed her shoe. The first time you met her, she fell on her face and you made her pick herself up off the floor. I wouldn't say nothing has changed."

I put my hands in my pockets, shrugging. "What's the point of this observation?"

Yoongi put down the piano lid. "I think you like her a little."

I groaned. "Like hell I do."

"Yeah? You want to explain that lingering look you did just now as she walked away?"

"I don't like her." I repeated. "Why does everyone keep asking that?"

Yoongi threw his books in his bag. "Probably because you're acting weird these days, and she's off limits."

"What do you mean? Off limits?"

He stared forward, thinking.


He clicked his tongue. "Alright. But you have to act like you haven't heard it. Y/N has an arranged marriage. To Jin."

The words hit me in the chest.

"She doesn't know about it yet," he quickly added. "So don't go blabbing about it. Jin's going to tell her later."

I scoffed. "He doesn't think it's important enough to mention now?"

"He's waiting for the right time. How would you like to know that you're supposed to marry someone you just met? Might not go well. He's trying to control the retaliation of that one."

He flung his bag over his shoulder and started his way out the door.

"But if you don't have any feelings for her, then there isn't a problem."

I watched his back as he walked out.

I grabbed my water bottle, knocking it back. Water overloaded my throat, and I choked, not expecting so much to come out. Just one more minor annoyance.

Of course it wasn't problem. I didn't have feelings for that stubborn, naive woman. She hated me too. We could keep it that way.

That's all I needed. Another student clouding my mind, giving me hope, then marrying someone else.

Then it would be those pills again...

No. I wasn't going back. The past was done with.

No woman. No heartbreak. No addictions.

No Y/N.

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