Chapter 38 - Overboard

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"You're never this nice to me."

"I can't allow myself to be nice to you."

"Why not?"

"You're a student."

"What's wrong with being nice to a student?"

I groaned, my head pounding from my hangover and regret. Why did I drink so much last night? Why did I tell Y/N so much? Couldn't the universe at least have the decency to let me forget everything from last night?

Throwing off the covers, I stumbled into the bathroom and looked at my face. I was a mess. Why did I let myself get carried away like that? Why did I take her into my arms like that? Our bodies so close... Her skin brushing mine...

I turned on the faucet and splashed water on my face. Don't you dare, Hoseok. Don't you dare fall for another student. Didn't you learn last time? Didn't you suffer enough for the last six years? Forget her.

Washing my face wasn't enough. I jumped in the shower, turning on only the cold water. I think I froze half my organs by the time I got out, but I still couldn't shake the replay.

"Because once you're nice to your students, they start being nice back. And that turns into something... more. Then, after they have learned everything they need to know, and don't need you anymore...she leaves."

"Hoseok --"

"I guess I just don't pick the right people to spend time with. It's my own fault."

"It's not your fault. You know that... don't you?"

My fingers twitched, remembering the feeling of her hand in mine. It was different last night. She held me with warmth and concern. I wanted to feel that again. I wanted to touch her again.

No. None of that.

I roughly dried my hair with a towel, trying to scrub it out of my head.

She belongs to Jin. Forget her. Don't do this to yourself.

But every time I closed my eyes... she was there.

I threw the towel against the floor and leaned against the wall.

Dammit. Why couldn't I shake this feeling?

I looked over at the door, remembering Y/N walking in on me getting dressed. I was in nothing but a towel now. I wondered how she would react if she saw me.

Don't you dare come here now, Y/N. I don't know if I could control myself if you did.


I walked down towards the lake. It was getting late, but I didn't have anywhere to be. Maybe if I kept playing that night through my mind, I would get bored of it.

Just get it out of your system, Hoseok. Think about her tonight. Forget her tomorrow.

I had a new job anyways. In no time at all, I would leave this castle and never see her again.

I would get over her.

The lake was beautiful this time of night. Calm, serene, and empty. Everything I wanted to be.

But there was some strange movement.

Two shadows. One was carrying the other. They walked to the dock, and the first shadow threw the other into a boat.

There was a muffled grunt.

I knew that stubborn sound.

"Y/N!" I called, running down the dock as the boat took off.

I couldn't stop my legs. I ran straight off the dock into the water, the cold water knocking me out of my senses. I called for Y/N. I swam as far as I could, but quickly lost my breath. It only took a few moments to lose sight of her completely, only the soft hum of the motorboat in the distance.

I swam to the edge of the lake, pulling myself out. With clothes clinging to my skin, I pulled out my phone and ran down the side of the lake, following the sound of the boat.

"Siri! Call Jin!"

Pick up, pick up, pick up...

It clicked.

"Jin!" I huffed into the phone. "Get your men to the lake! Now!"

"What happened?"

"Y/N!" I coughed, my lungs burning. "Save her, Jin. You have to save her. Pull up my phone in your tracker. Save her."

"I'm close. I'm on my way." he said.

He hung up. I kept running. I didn't know how long for. I heard the motorboat, but I couldn't see it.


Everything in my gut seized. 

"Y/n!" I yelled before jumping back in the water.

I swam towards the sound, starting to lose my sense of direction. I heard another boat come from behind.

"Hoseok!" Jin called. "What are you - "

"Forget me! Go get her!"

He nodded and took off, calling her name. The water lapped against my face.

"Y/n!" I heard Jin call.

Another splash.

Save her... Jin, save her.

I swam closer, towards the sound. I heard water rushing, then saw shadows get back into the boat.

"Get him!" I heard Jin yell. "Drag him back to me so I can beat the hell out of him myself!"

I heard her cough and saw her move. 

She was alive. 

Huffing, I told my heart to go back to its normal pace. 

I watched them on the boat as his shadow melted with hers in the moonlight, holding her close.

He would be the only one to hold her like that.

I huffed again, turning away. I swam to the edge of the lake, pulling myself out and collapsing on the grass.

She was safe. In the arms of her future husband.

It's time to forget you, Y/N... Live well.

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