Chapter 2: Getting To Know Each Other

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* Adam's POV *

     I can't believe I finally have a band. My dream coming true. Going on tour, doing concerts for my Glamberts & singing my heart to them. I'm also glad that me & Monte finally found a bass player. It took almost a week to find one. So, I can focus on my singing. I saw my house & pulled into the driveway. I looked for my house key on my key ring. I found & opened the door. It was 12:36 I got to get ready. I went upstairs to my room & I picked out a grey shirt, black skinny jeans & my leather boots. I turned on the shower & took off my clothes.

     After, I took my shower I changed into my clothes I checked the time it was 12:55. I grabed my phone from my nightstand & looked through my contacts I finally found Tommy's name & called him. It rang 3 times before he picked up.


"Hey, Tommy it's Adam."

"Oh. Hi, Adam." he sounds happy.

"I'm already dressed are you ready?"

"Yeah, I'm ready."

"I'm going to pick you up is that alright with you?"

"Sure, I live at 213 Sunrise St."

"Ok, I'll be there in 15 minutes."

"Ok, bye, Adam."

"Bye, Tommy."


I ended the call & went downstairs. I grab my keys from top of my desk,  slid my leather jacket on & walked out of my home to my car.

        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    I pulled up to Tommy's home. I got out of my car & rang the doorbell. I heard footsteps coming towards the door.

"Who is it," asked Tommy.

"It's me, Adam." Tommy opened the door smiling.

"Hey, Adam."

"Hey, ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah, just let me get my jacket." He went back inside & grab his jacket from the coat rack.

"So, what place are we going to." Tommy asked.

"Well, I was thinking that maybe we can go get some frozen yogurt & a walk in the park." I half-smiled

"That's sound great." he smiled.

"Great, let's get going."


    I opened the door for Tommy & he climbed in. I went around open the door & started the engine. Once I got out of the driveway & on to the open road I wanted to know a little bit about Tommy.

"So, when did you get into music?" I asked.

"Oh, I started to play guitar when I was 14 years old, then I brought my first bass guitar when I was 15. I started listening to Marilyn Manson, Metallica you know metal stuff. That's how I got into playing guitar." he answered

"Oh, that's sound awesome. I love Queen. That's my favorite band."

"That's great." he smiled I loved it when he smiles.

     When we arrived at the frozen yogurt I try to find a parking space it wasn't hard becuase there weren't a lot of car. I turned off the engine & got out. Me & Tommy walked to the door & I open the door for him, he smiled. When I got inside there weren't a lot of people around just about 6 or 7 people here. We waited for the woman in front of us getting her frozen yogurt it didn't take long because it was only her order. Tommy moved up front & I followed him.

"What would you like?" the lady at the counter asked.

"I would like a," I looked at the menu at the top, "Coco Bomb, please."

"And you, sir?" she looked at Tommy.

"A... Coco Cherry, please." he answered.

"Your yogurt will be done in a couple of minutes would I have your name." she asked.

"Adam. Adam Lambert."

   She wrote my name down on a small notepad & went back to the kicthen. Tommy went to find a seat. He found it & motion me to sit with him. I sat in front of him facing him.

"Tell me more about yourself." I asked

"My birthday is on October 18, I lived with my mom & my younger sister who's named Grace, I play bass, acoustic bass & guitar & electric guitar."

"Cool, you play all guitars." I smiled

"Ha, yeah, I do I never notice that."

"I only know how to sing."

    Tommy started laughing & I laughed with him. I heard my name being called & I excuse myself from Tommy. I walked over to the counter, paid for the yogurt & walked back to our table. I handed Tommy's yogurt to him & he smiled. God, that smile it makes me get butterflies in my stomach.



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