Chapter 9: I Think I Like You

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A/N: Hey, glamberts I know the story sucks but I am getting better (I think?) Please comment, vote & follow me. I think of part of the chapters but I need your glambert's help to come up with new chapters or scenes in the story. That'll be great. Don't worry Adam & Tommy are getting closer.

*Tommy's POV*

    Adam & I got out the studio & into the limo where the rest of the band was. There were four other people I didn't know there was two women & two other men. They were dancing with Adam so they must be the dancers.

"Oh, Tommy these are our dancers for the Glam Nation Tour,"  Monte explained  to me.

"H-Hi," I answered.

"Hey," they all said together.

"You guys this is Tommy. He's our bass guitarist," Monte explained to them.

"Hi, my name is Brook. I'm the choragraphy directer," Brook explained to me. She had frizzy brown hair.

"I'm Terrence. This is Taylor & Sasha," Terrence explained.

"Hi, it's good to meet you," I answered.

"Nice to meet you, Tommy," Taylor held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Taylor," I shook his hand.

    The car stopped & the door opened Monte got out following by Lisa, Brook, Sasha, Terrence, Longieun, Taylor then Adam. Adam held out his hand I took hold of his hand & he got me out of car. He opened the door for the band such a gentleman. The building was a hotel I think we're staying here for the night. Adam  went to front desk & stated his name to the desk lady. He came back with 4 keycards. I guess we're bunking with another band member. Which, I didn't mind, but if Adam was bunking with me then I won't be getting any sleep with him with me.

"Okay, guys we'll bunk with someone else tonight in which Monte has assigned," he finshied speaking & Monte went up front.

"Taylor & Terrence room 302. Lisa, Brook & Sasha room 303. Longieun & Me room 304 & Adam & Tommy room 305," Monte explained,"Is that okay, with everyone?" Monte asked. We all nodded.

"Great, get to bed we have a performance tomorrow morning," Monte said heading towards the elevator.  We got onto the elevator & rode to floor three.

"Good Night, everybody & good job at the performance tonight," Monte said.

"Night, Monte," Adam answered.


    Adam slid the leycard into the door & opened the door to see a big room it had a couch, a small fridge, a kitchen, a bathroom & two beds. Oh, thank godness I thought I had to share a bed with Adam. I put down my suitcase & un-zipped it to get out a pair of my boxers & a gray t-shirt. I went into the bathroom, locked the door & turned on the shower head. I stripped off my shirt & pulled down my zipper on my pants with only my boxers left on. I checked the water it felt warm & I took of my boxers & entered into the shower. The warm water hitting my cold body felt great. I can think & straighten my thoughts out. After, about 7 minutes I turned off the water & grabbed the towel that was next to the counter & dried myself off.  I put on my boxers & shirt & walked out of the steaming room.


I saw Adam reading a book,"Um, aren't you gonna take a shower?" I asked.

He looked up from his book,"Yea, after I finish this chapter," he told me.

I raised a brow,"What book are you reading?" I asked while heading towards him.

"It's called 'Picture The Dead'," he answered with a smile.

"Oh," I sat next to him."What is it about?" J asked again.

He looked at me for a second then went back reading, "It's about a girl named Amy who's fiancè died in the War. She see him everyday & her family thinks she's crazy but she doesn't know that she can see ghosts," he explained to me.

"So, she's like a ghost whisper?" I asked.

He smiled,"Exacly, Tommy. You know your stuff."

I blushed, "I used to read a lot if books when I was in high school I didn't make a lot of friends." I said.

He put closed the book & looked at me,"Oh, I didn't know that," he said with a low voice.

"It's okay, Adam. A lot of people don't know about my past," I explained to him.

"Oh," He loooked down to the floor.

"S-Shouldn't you be taking a shower?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah." He put the book on the shelf near the TV."I'll be back," he told me. He walked over to the small table & picked the clothes that weresting on the table's surface. He walked to bathroom door & turned the doorknob to the bathroom. He closed it behind him & I heard the water running. I grabbed my iphone & opened my music icon on my homescreen. I went to my playlist I was listening to 'Disposable Teens' by Marilyn Manson. "Hey, Tommy," Adam was in front of me with only a pair of  boxers on & a white t-shirt.

"Um, hi." I pulled out my earbud & turned off my phone. Adam sat next to me on the bed.

"T-Tommy, I need to tell you something," Adam sounded concern about something.

"W-What is it?" I asked him.

"Remember when you said that the kiss wouldn't affect our friendship," What was he thinking?

"Y-yeah, what about it?" I asked.

"Well, I was wondering if I could do this?" He leaned in & his lips met mine. His lips were soft.

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