Chapter 4: In The Aftermath

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     I stopped the car at my house, because I wanted Tommy to be with me & I wanted to make him feel safe. I don't like it when people cry, because it makes me sad thinking that they don't have good life. I got out of car & went to Tommy's side to open the door for him. He got out & I saw his eyes red & puffy he looked terrible. I wrapped my arms around Tommy & he hugged back. I let go of him & led him to the front door. I got out my house keys & opened the front door I let Tommy in first then I closed the door behind me.

"Go sit at the couch, so we can talk." I told Tommy & he went to sit at the couch that's in the living room. I followed him. Once I sat down Tommy was looking at me.

"W-Why did you b-bring me h-here?" he asked me with concern in his voice.

"I wanted to make you feel better & comfort you," I looked into his eyes, his chocalate brown eyes. "I saw the way looked when I asked you that question."

He looked straight at me, "My father, Ron died of cancer he was fighting cancer for 5 years & he lost." I saw tears forming in his eyes. I couldn't help it I wrapped my arms around  Tommy.

"Sh, sh, sh. It's ok, it's ok. I'm here for you." I kept saying it until Tommy went back up to my face. I wiped away the tears that were on his cheeks.

"It's okay, Tommy. Everything will be okay. In the aftermath." I sang to him & he smiled.

He rested his head on my chest, "Thank you, Adam." he said.

"For what?" I asked in confusion.

"For caring." he said & fell asleep.

    He looked so cute asleep. I picked him up & headed upstairs to my room. I layed him down on the bed & went to change into my PJ's. I came back & Tommy was still asleep. I climbed into bed & cuddled with him. He has no idea that I'm in love with him, but I know he's straight I just know it. I turned off the lamp & pulled up the covers to Tommy's shoulders. I didn't want to go to sleep I wanted to look at Tommy he looked so peaceful sleeping soon the tiredness took over my eyes & I fell asleep.


                  Author's Note

(Hi. I hoped you liked my story so far. I know it's crappy, but I'm doing the best I can because of the number of days I have left for the summer. I'm going back to school in 11 days, so I'll try to do as much as I can. I love you, guys. *Glamhugs* & *Glamkisses*)

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