Chapter 1: The Audition

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*Tommy's POV*

      I was in a room waiting for my name to be called. I've been waiting for 2 hours & I think my butt's already asleep. I was the only one the room so I guess I was the one to audition. My bass is next to me in the  black case. I'm going to play Dragon Attack by Queen. My plams were sweaty, I was nervous as hell & I'm afraid of missing a note or they don't like me.

''Mr. Ratliff.''

''Y-yes," I answered.

''Come with me," the man said as I follow him to another room.

''My name is Monte Pittman. I'm the guitarist in the band." He held out his hand wanting me to shake it.

"Hi, I'm Tommy, Tommy Joe Ratliff."

I shook Monte's hand.

''Nice to meet you, Tommy." Monte led me to the studio.

''When can I get started?" I asked.

''When Adam gets back."

''Who's Adam?"

''He's the lead singer."

''Oh. Okay."

     When I set up my bass a man came into the room & sat next to Monte he must be Adam. His hair was black, wearing a black t-shirt with black skinny jeans & black leather boots. He was taller than well, I'm short.

"Tommy, you may begin."

       When Monte said that snap back into reality & started playing my bass. I hit the correct notes along my fret board. After, the song was finished I unpluged the cord from amp. & took my bass off of my body. Monte nodded at the clipboard that he had in his hands he stood up from his chair & came to me.

"Tommy, your performance was outstanding & I would like to have you in the band, but it's not my decision."

       I look at Adam, he stood up from his seat & came beside Monte. I was nervous what if I didn't get into the band?

"Tommy, you're in. Welcome, to the band." Adam held out his hand.

"Thank you," I shook Adam's hand,"This means a lot to me."

"Well, like what Monte said you're performance was amazing & you play bass great." He smiled & I smiled back.

"Tomorrow you'll meet the other band members." said Monte

"Ok, that's great."

"Well, it's nice to meet you Tommy. Great to have you in the band."

"Thank you."


    Monte left the room. I picked up my bass & put it in the case zipping  it up & I put the strap upon my chest. I came close to the door, but I was stopped by Adam.

"Hey, Tommy. I was wondering if we could hang out later maybe get to know each other better."

"Sure, I have nothing else to do."

"What do you want to do?"

"Well, maybe we could go out to lunch."

"Sure, that sounds great."

"So what time do we go?"

"I'll call you. May I give you my phone number?" He asked me.


      I gave Adam my phone & he typed his number in my phone. He gave back my phone & I put it back in my pocket. I opened the door & waved Adam good-bye. He waved back & left the studio. I was excited to finally be in a band. Music's my life I don't know what I'll do without. I was also excited, because I get be with Adam later.

      Wait, why am I think of Adam now. I don't even know him, so why do I like him. I'm not gay am I? Bisexual maybe. I had dated girls before, but never worked out. They either cheated on me, we fight a lot or never like me. Maybe this time it's be different, but what if Adam doesn't like me the way I do. Only one way to find out.


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