Chapter 3

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"That's none of your business. You're not my father, brother or lover. Why does it matter?" I shot back, taking a long, satisfying puff. "Well he's my brother, I'm only wondering your intentions" he lied.

 "No. You and your brother are always in competition. You want one thing that he doesn't already have. Even if that has to be a girl" I spoke quietly, leaning forward. "Thanks for the smoke. I'm going to sleep on the floor downstairs. Goodnight" I bid. As I descended, I heard a frustrated sigh from John. Getting to the bottom, I dug in my pocket for a key. After pushing the door open, I threw my jacket off and bundled it like a pillow. I looked around and picked up a towel that I hadn't used for cleaning. I found a comfortable place and slowly tried to fall asleep only to have my mind scream at me.

  'Why would he care? It's not like he has feelings for you. You've only known each other for a day. and besides, who could love you?' I shook the racing thoughts and tried to calm my mind.

 "Ugh, this won't work. I need a hit of..." I trailed off, remembering that I had quit. For, like, two days. I had already broken my promise of not smoking, I can't break this one too. All of a sudden I started to shake, it started small until I couldn't handle it. They racked me and I needed an outlet, a way to cope.

 Grabbing my wallet, I raced out to find a corner shop. I didn't bother locking my flat in my burst of speed. I hoped that I hadn't woken anyone up. After getting there I tried to calm myself and straighten up as much as was possible. Pushing my way inside, I got to the front. 

"The biggest and best pack you've got" my voice sounded cracked and needy. "Twenty-five pounds," the young, brunette said. His voice was calm and relaxed as if used to dealing with people like me. "Living alone can barely afford rent. Works at least three jobs. A cat, scratch that, two cats. Your girlfriend dumped you recently because you couldn't buy the things she wanted, I'm sorry." I quickly fired. The deduction was a hard thing to control when it came naturally. I slammed the money on the counter and exited, back into the crisp night air. 

Ripping open the package savagely, I stuck one in my mouth and lit it with a match I dug out of my pocket. A long sigh of relief and joy slipped freely out of my mouth. I took a huge puff and exhaled rather loudly. God, it did feel good to fulfill the craving,

 "Mind if I join you?" A deep voice called from behind. It made me yelp and nearly jolt out of my skin. I spun around seeing it was only Sherlock. "Not at all" the words were bitter and spit out. "Look, I'm sorry about what I said. I know I can be headstrong, so please bear with me. As you said I have no right to talk to you like that. And honestly? I don't know why I reacted like that" his apology was quite sweet, especially because he was normally a complete twat, mind my language. 

"Did I wake you when I left?" I asked, no trace of bitterness. "No. I was in my mind palace" he whispered. "Would you like one?" I offered my pack. He nodded and gratefully took one. "Hmm, that's funny I didn't deduce that?" He said, alarmed. "What?" I tried him, though I probably already knew what it was. "You're a user too," he said, still in a daze. "Have been since I was sixteen" I replied, looking off into the distance. "Must've been hard?" He inquired. "Mmm, yeah, but sorta happens when both parents..." I mumbled off. "When both parents are users, alcoholics, and abusers. I'm not surprised" he finished.

 "So what do you like to do?" His sad attempts at changing the subject were greatly appreciated. "I read, a lot. I also like helping 'charitably' at the yard, it's kind of a yawn. None of them know what they're doing." I chortled. "But you already knew that, didn't you?" My smirk widened. "We should head to the flat" he shouted over the chilled wind that showed up out of nowhere. My nod was enough permission for him to seize my hand and pull me off to 221B.

A/N: Hey guys so this one is shorter less important to the plot and more of a filler than anything, anyways thanks for reading. Bye, my peeps.

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