Chapter 4

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I woke from a surprisingly uncomfortable sofa. I stood and made my way downstairs as a buzz came from my phone. My only 'friend' texted saying he was going to drop off my dog; Kevin. I named him after my baby brother, who passed away at the saddening age of three.

Jimmy: Haiii, can I drop your fuzzy friend off at your new place? Btw can't wait to see it, ahhh

Me: Hey, sure. The address is 221C Baker Street.

Jimmy: Kk, see you soon girly

I sighed. He was obviously not gay, but for some reason, he was trying to come off as one. I had to figure him out. I heard a bump. "Celine?" A groggy sounding Sherlock called. I chuckled, "Down here, Sherly" his grumble was worth it. "Hey, I don't like nicknames!" He stumbled down the flight of stairs with his eyes closed and his toe slightly caught the last step. He fell against me, I was barely able to hold him up. 

"You can call me wolfie. It's what everyone called me when they found out what my first name meant" he laughed. "Really? Nice" he was still tiredly leaning against me. I smiled as he nodded off on my chest. I stroked his head and he sighed contentedly. The peaceful quiet was interrupted by a knock on the door behind us.

 "Who could that be?" growled Sherlock. He pulled himself upright and opened the door. In barged Jimmy. "Hey, girl! How are you?" he squealed. I laughed at his loudness. "Hey, Jim. I'm good, how about yourself?" he smiled towards William and I felt some unknown, heat inside of me. 

"I am fabulous, thanks and who's your friend?" he smiled to William again. "Is he your boyfriend? The guy you talk about all the time?" he babbled. I blushed heavily, "No, I don't have a boyfriend, Jim. I mean there's that guy I met at the yard" Sherlock perked up at this. 

"Who is it, wolfie?" he taunted. "Well, his name is Phillip, if you must know" I was uncontrollably blushing now. He seemed to pale at this. "What's the matter, cat got your tongue?" I teased. "Phillip Anderson?" He asked. I nodded, confused. He then stormed up the stairs. 

"Uh-oh, trouble in paradise?" Jim giggled. I sighed, I don't think I'll be able to get used to his mood swings, he's worse than me when I'm on my period. "Well, here's Kev, I've gotta jam, but I'll see you later" Jim handed me my dog's lead and shut the door behind him. After sighing for the umpteenth time, I bounded back up the stairs. "William? What's the matter?" I called out. I heard a grumble from the end of the hall. I pushed my way past the door at the very end of the hallway, Kevin following close behind.

 There, on a large bed, lay Sherlock. "What did I do? What can I do to fix it?" I asked, desperate to know why he was acting this way. "It wasn't you, I... I don't know" he sighed as if he was giving up. "It's ok, it'll be ok" I tried to soothe while rubbing his back.

 "Why? Why are you being so nice, when last night I was nothing but rude and today I've been a jerk. Why?" he was slightly muffled by his pillows. I stroked his hair, "Well, I hate to break it to you, but I'm kind of a high functioning psychopath, and that means your not getting rid of me anytime soon" I giggled. His baritone chuckle made my heart melt, but I couldn't let him see otherwise he'd make fun of me. Especially when I think he might be asexual. "You feeling better?" I asked, concerned. "Yeah, kind of" he mumbled in reply. I got a jittery feeling, like when I needed a hit, but different somehow. It was as if I was... nervous. "Do you like Anderson though?" He questioned me, his voice slightly quivering. He must really hate this guy. I pondered for a moment,

 "No, I don't. I just don't wanna be lonely, you know?" I was thinking out loud again. "No, I don't know. I don't need anyone" this stung, more than any of my childhood memories, more than anything. Tears pricked my eyes and my nose started to tingle. "Excuse me, but my stuff should be here soon" my voice cracked on my last few words.

 I rushed out of 221B and trampled down the stairs. I stayed cooped in there, starving, for a good three hours before a knock from the main door sounded. I stood, dusted myself off and wiped my face. 

I opened the door cautiously and saw a moving company guy. "You Celine?" His voice was gruff and tired. "That's me, I have the sofa, seats, and bed right?" I had to make sure my landlord gave me all my stuff. "And two boxes; clothes and kitchenware" I nodded, handing him the money while his buddy started unloading. 

After about two hours, my new place was livable. I shut the main door, about to go back into my hiding place when I heard my name called. "Celine! Hey, are you mad at Sherlock?" It was John, sweet, caring John. I turned and smiled,

 "Of course not, why would you think that?" Wrong question. "Well, he said you stormed out, holding back tears?" His face of concern was cute. "I, uh, well, I am a... what you would probably call a drama queen. I'm very emotional" I hoped that would be enough. His face relaxed a bit, only to form into disbelief. 

"Okay... if your sure" it was nice of him to be concerned, but, quite frankly, none of his business. "Totally!" I said encouragingly. He nodded and hesitantly went upstairs. I entered my lair and curled up on the couch while crying. Out of nowhere, it hit me, hard. I laughed. It was so damn funny and I was nothing. I chuckled and snorted loud enough I'm sure John was considering calling an ambulance. Then instead of the sympathy, I felt at the hospital and the sadness I felt when carting down body's, I felt... like it's funny, like they deserve to be dead, because life wasn't working out for me. This wasn't the first time either, it happened all the time when something small seems so big, but usually, it was not this strong. The last time it was this strong was when I last saw my parents. The last time anyone saw my parents. I had to get this out somehow. I stood and paced the room. I could go see my old dealer... suddenly a knock sounded from the door and the thoughts rushed away. Who could it be now?

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