30. Fangirling

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Chapter 30

A few days later

Louis’ POV

“Thanks Mum, see you later”, I said, as mum dropped me and Christina off outside Tessa and Dan’s apartment block.

“Have a nice time!” she grinned.

“We will!” I said.

She drove away and me and Christina walked into the building and took the lift up to their floor. 

“I’ve never met Dan before”, Christina said worriedly. “I’ve recently become a huge fan, and I don’t want to embarrass him or anything by overly fangirling”

“It’s okay, I was the same the first few times I met him”, I replied calmly.

“Do you think he’ll mind I’m wearing this t shirt I bought the other day?” she asked, unzipping her hoody to reveal a black ‘Bad Blood’ shirt. I slapped my forehead. “Well I’m sorry! I want to prove how much of a Stormer I’ve become!”

“Just keep your hoody zipped up because he’ll get really embarrassed and awkward if you’re sat there with his face on your shirt”, I said.

She zipped her hoody back up and we walked down to their door. I knocked a few times before the door opened, Tessa stood there. She looked very frail and ill and I hid my gasp as she invited us in. We took our shoes off politely and followed Tess further into the apartment.

“Hey guys!” she said excitedly.

“Hey Tess!” I said, wrapping my arms gently around her as I was scared of breaking her somehow.

“Tessa, hello!” Christina beamed, coming over and joining the group hug.

“Christina, I literally haven’t seen you for like a decade!” Tessa laughed.

“A little overdramatic there, Tess”, I heard Dan’s voice say. I felt Christina tense and she stood back in excitement, staring at Dan.

“Dan, this is Christina”, Tessa said to him, putting her arm around Christina’s shoulders. “And Christina, this is Dan”

“Hi”, was all Christina could say, before I clicked my fingers to snap her out of a fangirl trance.

“Hey Christina”, Dan grinned. “You were the girl I spoke to on the phone a while ago?”

“Y-yeah”, she said.

“Nice”, he smiled. “Well, I’ll leave you guys to it. I’ll be in the music room if you need me”

“Kay”, Tessa said, grabbing mine and Christina’s hands and dragging us through to her room.

“He’s fitter in real life”, Christina said. Tessa snorted.

“He’s an arsehole, but a nice arsehole”, she said. “Having grown up with him as my best friend and brother, it’s weird to think that people, like, worship him or see him as a sex idol”, she chuckled.

“But you gotta agree, even if he is your best friend and brother, he’s pretty fit”, Christina said.

“Erm”, Tessa said, clearly awkward.

“Nice presents Tessa”, I said, changing the subject.

There were a few get well presents sat on her chest of drawers, from when she’d been in hospital the week before. I saw a big Thornton’s chocolate puppy sat amongst the cards and gifts and I noticed Christina’s eyes light up. Tessa noticed too and she grinned.

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