42. Christmas

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Chapter 42

Dan’s POV

I opened my eyes, yawning and stretched. It’s Christmas Day! I leaned forward, peering over the edge of my bed to see the tiny kitten curled up and fast asleep on her bed. I gently stroked her black back with a finger and she squeaked in her sleep. It took every ounce of me to stop myself from ‘awing’ – I was actually surprised how much cats were growing on me.

I got out of bed, careful not to disturb her, and left my room – making sure to close the door. I quietly opened Tessa’s door to see her fast asleep still.

“Tessa!” I called, and she rolled over. “Merry Christmas!” 

She immediately shot up, dashing over to me. She thrust her arms around my waist, “Merry Christmas Dan!” she cried excitedly. “When are the others coming?”

“Probably about an hour”, I replied. “Come on, let’s have breakfast”

We walked down to the kitchen and I began getting out the ingredients to make Christmas pancakes for us as a treat.

“Pancakes! Yay!” Tess cried, once she recognised what ingredients I was pulling out.

We took turns mixing the flour, eggs and milk and then added a small amount of vegetable oil before mixing again. I placed the pan on the hob, heating it up for a bit until we added the pancake mix. 

“Wanna help me flip it?” I asked, and Tess nodded, grinning.

She held the handle of the pan and I stood behind her and put my own hands over hers.

“Your hands are freezing!” I said.

“Oxygen deprivation”, she reminded me quietly.

“You and your medical terms”, I replied. “You’re gonna be a doctor when you’re older”

“No I’m bloody not! Look, the pancake needs flipping!”

I counted to three and then we flipped the pancake together, allowing it to land neatly back in the pan. After we’d cooked a few I piled them up on two plates for us, drizzling syrup over them and then served them up.

“Wow, Chef Dan, thank you”, she laughed.

“I’d say something back in French but I can’t remember that far back at school”, I laughed too.

Once we’d eaten our Christmas pancakes we went to get changed, and I pulled on a pair of snowman socks for Tess. She’d told me if we both wore our snowman socks it’d make the weather snow for Christmas. I hoped she was right – snow really did make things magical.

Tessa’s POV

Once I’d got ready I quickly took my meds, practically shoving them down my throat in a hurry and then brushed my teeth and dashed down to the Christmas tree. There were so many presents beneath it, I felt sick with excitement. 

I wonder what Dan’s got me, I thought.

All of a sudden there was a knock at the door and I shouted through to Dan.

“They’re here I think”, I called.

“Okay I’m on my way”, he called back.

I peered through the spyhole, seeing Kyle and a few others stood outside. The butterflies inside my stomach fluttered with excitement and I unlocked the door.

“Hey guys!” I cried.

“Merry Christmas!” they all replied.

I let them all in. It was Kyle, Janna, Will, Woody, Chrissy and Ralph. Dan came through and greeted everyone. We all squeezed onto the two sofas in front of the heater Dan had put on, with the TV on in the background – some Christmas show playing.

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