32. The Sassy Hospital Gown

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Chapter 32

Tessa’s POV

“I don’t want to go”, I said sadly to Dan as we walked out of the apartment on the Friday morning of my MRI scan day.

“You’re getting a day off school, that isn’t bad”, he smiled down at me.

“This is an occasion of which I’d rather be in school than having this done”, I said, making him smile slightly with amusement.

“Just keep calm, it’ll be over and done with before you know it”, he said reassuringly.

We made our way out of the building and into his car and drove to the hospital. I felt my palms become sweaty as we pulled up in a parking space and I took deep breaths; he was right, it’ll be over and done with before I know it.

We found the correct department and signed in and we were then told to wait in the waiting room. I gripped the arm rests of the chair I was sat in as the nervousness filled me up even more. Dan patted my knee supportively and I smiled weakly up at him. My name was called and we followed a nurse into a small room. I was asked a few questions before going behind a curtain to change into a hospital gown. Dan laughed as I walked out.

“Looking good Tess!” he laughed.

“Oh I know right, Kyle would be jealous of my sass”, I chuckled, twirling round in a sassy fashion making Dan laugh.

The nurse smiled and got me to sit on the table at the side of the room. “I think you will probably be having a contrast dye done halfway through the scan, so you’ll need an IV in your arm for a little bit, is that alright?”

“Um, yeah”, I said, almost a whisper.

Dan smiled reassuringly at me and stood beside me as she prepared an IV. I’d had a couple before from when I’d been diagnosed and from when Dad attacked me that night and I’d lost a load of blood, but I was still petrified.

“I’ve got some new numbing spray for you, it works almost instantly instead of the creams we have to apply a while before”, she said, holding the spray up. She took my arm, checking for a vein and quickly cleaned the area before spraying the numbing spray on. I laughed, touching my arm.

“Ooh it feels weird!” I said.

“Reminds me of when I worked in this hospital when I was younger”, Dan grinned at me.

“And that lady stabbed you in the arm and it was numb for ages”, I grinned back.

The nurse came over with the needle and quickly inserted it into my arm as I squeezed Dan’s hand tight with my other hand. He squeezed mine too in a reassuring manner and I appreciated it as I shuddered with discomfort when the nurse attached the tube. Once it was finished and taped down I let go of Dan’s hand and he put his arm round my shoulders.

“I’m proud of you Tess”, he grinned.

“I haven’t even had the MRI yet!” I smiled. “But thanks Dan”

The nurse left for a moment and then returned saying they were ready for me. We went through a different door in the room and walked down to the MRI scanning room. I felt my heart race at the sight of it, I was terrified. 

Dan put his arms around me and I hugged him back, not wanting to let go.

“You’ll be fine Tess”, he smiled, as we broke apart.

“You can stay in here throughout the scan to watch sir”, the nurse said to him.

“Please do”, I said to him.

“I will”, he agreed, although I could sense his discomfort. Again, I felt guilty.

She took me into the actual MRI room and helped me onto the scanner bed, placing a blanket over me and making sure I was comfortable. I peered up for a moment to see Dan and he gave me a little wave and I smiled back in return.

Once the scan began the machine began making absurd and loud bumping noises. I jumped at one and the radiographer in the viewing room told me to keep still through the intercom. After a few minutes I closed my eyes, becoming a little more accustomed to the weird machine and though Dan, the nurse and radiographer were watching I felt myself drift off to sleep. 

I was awoken by a movement by my arm and I opened my eyes to find the nurse there with a syringe containing the contrast dye.

“You’re doing wicked Tess, I’m proud”, I heard Dan’s voice say through the intercom.

I smiled.

“I’ll just inject you then the scans will start again. You won’t feel funny or anything, don’t worry”, the nurse said to me.

“Okay”, I replied. “How long was I asleep for?”

“Just over half an hour, but we’re halfway through now so just another 30 minutes or so to go”, she said.

I nodded and then she injected the contrast. I felt nothing apart from the cold feeling in my arm as it entered my vein. She checked I was okay and adjusted the tube before leaving the room. The machine started again and I closed my eyes, taking small breaths. Before long I felt myself fall asleep again and I hoped I’d stay asleep until the end.

“Tessa”, I heard someone say. “Tessa”, they repeated. I opened my eyes to see the nurse stood smiling down at me. 

“You’re all done, you were brilliant”, she said.

I smiled and then she helped me sit up and get off the bed. I felt a little light headed and dizzy and I followed her slowly out the room to be met by Dan. I breathed out a sigh of relief; it was over and my best friend was here. 

“You were so good Tess, you slept through literally the whole thing!” he chuckled.

“Embarrassing”, I said, smiling up at him.

We went back to the room we’d originally entered and I had the IV removed from my arm before getting changed back into my own clothes. I sighed shakily, relieved it was over and done with.

“You’ll need to drink lots to flush the contrast out of your system, but you should be fine”, the nurse told me.

I nodded.

We were signed out and then walked back through the hospital and out to Dan’s car. We got in and he drove slowly, worried I’d feel sick even though I said I felt fine.

“See, it was over and done with before you knew it”, he said.

“I’m glad”, I said.

“Me too”, he agreed. “Even though it wasn’t me in there!”

As we approached home I smiled, I was looking forward to chilling out for the rest of the day and watching films with Dan. 

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