31. Cat Attack!

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Chapter 31

Tessa’s POV

I woke up to the annoying sound of my phone alarm and I cracked my eyes open, picking it up and turning it off. I sighed, rolling onto my back. Today was back to school. The half term had flown by and even though I missed Christina and Louis and I felt better, I wasn’t particularly looking forward to the whole routine of school and that crap.

I slowly got out of bed and pulled my dressing gown on, walking out my room and down to the kitchen. Dan was leant on the side, idly eating a piece of toast as he quickly typed on his iPhone.

“Morning”, I smiled.

“Hello”, he smiled back, looking up. “Toast?”


He put another couple of slices of bread in the toaster and then turned back round. I sat down on one of the bar stools at the breakfast bar and fidgeted with the hem of my pyjama shirt.

“Sleep well?” he asked.

“Yeah, you?”

“Yeah, me too”, he replied.

“Good”, I smiled, stifling a yawn.

When my toast was ready Dan spread butter over both slices and served them up to me. I quickly ate them and then took my morning medication, grimacing as the fowl tasting tablets slid down my throat. I walked down to the bathroom and took a quick shower, blow drying my hair after, and then got dressed into my familiar (and dreaded) school uniform. I packed my rucksack for the day and grabbed my phone, quickly checking my Twitter and Instagram before throwing it into my bag.

“You look lovely Tess”, Dan smiled at me as I walked into the kitchen, dumping my bag down on the tiled floor.

“You don’t mean that. I look awful in this uniform”, I replied.

“Tessa, shut up! I do mean it”, he said, patting my shoulder. He grabbed the car keys from the counter and looked over to me. “Ready?”

“Yeah”, I said quietly.

He opened the door and I slung my rucksack on my back, following him out. He took my hand, pulling me along as I tried to slink behind.

“Bye Dan”, I said, as I reached across to hug him as we pulled up outside school.

“Bye Tess, have a wicked day”, he smiled as he squeezed me. “Text me if you don’t feel well”

“I’ll be fine!” I laughed.

I got out the car and waved to him as he pulled away from the kerb. I walked up through the gates and trudged back into my usual school routine.


“Hey Christina”, I smiled, as I walked up to her in the hall at break.

“Hey! You feeling okay?” she asked.

“Yes! Don’t worry about me”, I laughed.

“How’s Dan?” she asked.

“He’s alright”, I laughed. “You recovered from having lunch with him last week?”

She blushed, “Just about”

We laughed and then Louis joined us, a packet of Walker’s crisps in his hand.

“Hey guys”, he grinned.

“Hey”, we said simultaneously.

Christina cheekily took a crisp from his packet and quickly ate it. 

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