Chapter Fourteen

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"Mom!" Jesse complained, grabbing the photo album from Summer, who was sitting in his parent's living room.

"Oh, honey, it's no big deal," Joanna answered.

"Baby photos are no big deal?" he complained, stacking the other albums up to take them away.

"She saw the photos on the mantel. I have much more of you and Dana in these."

"I particularly love the black eye," Summer grinned.

Jesse sat down in defeat. "You're evil, Mom, pure evil," He muttered.

"Go have yourself a beer with the boys and leave us girls alone," his mother waved him off.

"No, because you're going to tell Summer about all the bad things I did as a kid."

"Oh, you weren't bad, honey. You just sometimes got into some...sticky situations."

He shrugged. "Maybe I'll just go and get that beer." He looked over at Summer with her hair down. She looked sensational. He couldn't deal with his mom telling Summer his horror stories.

"Just how did you get that black eye? What were you... fourteen?" Summer asked him.

"I'm definitely going now," he said, getting up embarrassed. He patted his mom's arm, leaned down to whisper in her ear. "You tell her. No Christmas present," he warned.

Joanna watched her son walk out of the room. When she was sure Jesse was back outside, she turned to Summer and said, "It's worth it."

"What happened?" Summer asked excitedly.

"Well, the way it was told to me was that... well, this must have been their sophomore year of high school, Jesse was in the school play. He was Romeo and a certain senior, Becky Jenkins, head cheerleader, by the way, was Juliet.

Anyways, it seems that my son is..." she grinned, "a fantastic kisser. Apparently, Becky relayed that information to her football player boyfriend. Hoping for his improvement, I imagine. But he retaliated by laying a kiss on Dana, thinking like most people did that she and Jesse were involved.

Well, Jesse got upset, and confronted this guy, who was twice his size. Of course, Jesse isn't one to fight, but the guy punched him right in the eye.

They both got suspended for two weeks. And after that, it was all over school. All the girls wanted to date Jesse since he was rumored to be such an amazing kisser."

Summer tried not to blush imagining Jesse kissing her. "Oh, he must have been so devastated to have all those girls throwing themselves at him," she said sarcastically.

"He handled it well. Jesse's such a good kid. He didn't use it to his advantage," Joanna said proudly.

"How do you know all this? It's not really something a guy tells his mom, is it?"

"Dana, of course," Joanna answered with a smile.

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