Chapter 13

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Chris calls me the next morning and he comes over to swim.

I call Levi and tell him to meet me at the mall at 4 and hung up admittedly.

We swim and mess around for awhile. Then we get ready to go meet Levi.

I throw on leggings with flats and a tank top. We pull in the parking lot and he's waiting.

Chris gets out and opens my door for me. When we get out he puts his arm around my waist. "Hey! What's this!?", Levi asks.

"Your my girlfriend! Get off of her!",

Levi says pushing Chris.

"No, I'm not your girlfriend. I'm Chris's girlfriend now.", i say.

"You cheated on me?!", he screams.

"No. I was at the party and i saw you with the blond girl, Sylvia. Levi that really hurt me and Chris helped me through what you put me through.", i say.

"Oh you saw that?", he asks looking down at the ground.

"Yes and we are done!", i yell and grabs Chris's hand and walk away.

"But I love you babe. You can't pretend there was nothing between us. Get me a second chance.", Levi says.

"It was a week Levi! I was stupid. I sorry just go find another girl. I'm sure it won't be hard!", i say.

"What's that suppose to mean?", he screams.

"I've heard I'm not he first girl you have done this with. You told me lies and it's my fault for trusting you. So Goodbye Levi.", i say.

I start walking into the mall with


"I'll get you back", Levi say.

"I'm scared Chris.", i say hugging him.

"I won't let anything happen to you.", he says.

We walk around for awhile and he had to go meet his mom at some store so he told me to meet him at the car at 7.

So at 7 i start walking to the car and there's Levi. Chris is still inside but i have the keys.

I start walking over to the car and Levi says,"Hey what's up baby?"

I ignore him and try and get in the car but he grabs my waist and kissed me. I try to pull away but hes to strong.

"Stop!", i scream and smack him across the face.

"But baby i love you.", he says.

"I'm not your baby and i dont love you!", i scream and run back to the mall.

Chris is coming out and i run and hug him.

I'm crying so he asks what's wrong.

"Levi grabbed me and forced a kiss.", i tell him.

Chris runs up to Levi and punches him in the face. He screams,"Dont you dare touch her again or I'll call the cops or take care of you myself"

We get in the car and leave. "I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this crap i started.", i said through tears.

"No hun, i saved you. It's not your fault. I'll protect you because I love you.", he says

"You... Love me?", i asked stunned.

"Yes more than anyone. Your my everything and I can't lose you.", he says grinning.

"I love you too.", i say smiling.

"I'll away be here for you.", he says.

We get to my house and I'm so happy.

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