Chapter 18

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I woke up and realized today was my big day. I roll out of bed and head to the kitchen.Chris was already sitting there drinking coffee.

"Hey beautiful. Want some coffee?", he asks.

"Sure. Are you ready for today?",

I say.

"I've been ready since the day i meet you.", he says.

"Awwe that's so sweet.", i tease him.

"You better get everything together. Your mom will be here in 10mins to start getting you ready.", he says.

I say Goodbye to Chris and we go to the hair saloon to get my hair and nails done.

I get my hair done in a curly undo and my nails are French tips with little white flowers.

2 hours until show time. We go back to my house to do my make up and put on my dress.

There's a lot of people all over my house. My brides maids and Chris's guys are running around the house like little kids but there already ready.

Were having our wedding in front of our house so that's why everyone here.

I run upstairs so no one see me and Chris's sister slams the door shut.

"Leave Chris.", she yells.

"Come on i haven't seen her in hours." He wines.

"I dont care. You'll see her soon enough. Go back downstairs and mess around with your friends." He says.

"Fine.", he says and runs back downstairs.

My mom does my make up and i put on my dress. Its a beautiful "Mermaid" dress. I put on a diamond necklace with matching earrings.

By the time were ready everyone is outside and in place.

I sneak downstairs and my dads there waiting for me.

"Ready honey?", he asks.

"Yep. Let's do this.", i say and we lock arms.

They start the music and we start walking down the isle.

When Chris sees me his eyes widen and he grins.

"You look beautiful.", he mouths.

I just smile back.

We get to the end of the isle and my dad lets me go and he sits down.

We exchange our vales and the minister says,"Chris do you take this women to be your wife?"

"I do!", he says .

"Jessica do you take this man to be your husband?", the minister says.

"I do.", i say smiling.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Chris you may kiss your bride.", he says.

I rap my arm around his neck and our lips crash together. We pull apart and he pick me up and starts running down the isle.

I laugh and everyone starts clapping.

We get to the limo and i throw my flowers. Chris's sister catches them.

We drive to the reception. We dance and eat dinner.

When we cut the cake i shove some in Chris's face. I laugh and run and hide but he finds me and shoves some in my face.

After it's over we go home and change for bed.

Chris jumps in bed and says,"Come here Mrs.Dillon."

So i jump on the bed next to him and lay in his lap.

"When are we leaving tomorrow?", he asks.

He starts playing with me hair and i say,"Well i have the baby appointment at 9 and we have to be at the airport by 11.", i say

"I can't wait to be alone with you for 2 months in Paris.", he says and kisses me.

"Me too. Honey we've had a long day. I'm tired so can we please go to bed?", i say.

"Fine.", he says grumpily.

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