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Conan's pov
                     "Ugh, how will I explain this?" I said to myself. I thought of all I would say and kept on rehearsing it.
"Umm, Pandora? I still don't know how to tell him the truth," I explained.
                       "My dude, you just need to trust your gut. Stop being nervous I can feel the sweat coming off your forehead," she advised, "and if he doesn't believe you, then prove that you are who you say you are, okay,"
" I guess, but how would I prove it to him? I can't become Shinichi right out of nowhere," I said.
"But you could go to Hagase's house and ask Haibara for a pill," She suggested.
"But my time limit will be reduced and then the real pill that she's working on wouldn't have an effect on me and I would stay a kid forever. Is there any other way I can convince him that I'm Shinichi, Pandora?" I really don't want to take that risk of reducing my time of being Kudo.
"Listen, if you're scared of that I will do something so that the pill won't reduce any time. In fact, there might be a way for me to increase the time when you take that pill. Just give me some time to research if there is a way, okay?"
"Fine, but please do it as quick as you can. It's getting kind of awkward with me not talking to him. Yea...he's just staring at me and he's not blinking. Do you think he has a gem inside of him too that he's talking too?"
"Nuh uh, first of all, I can sense other gems like me. Second of all, he's staring (and drooling a bit) because of something called love and infatuation. Third of all, stop asking questions if you want me to work faster," Pandora said.
                   "Okay okay. Thank you for helping me, Pandora,"
                   "No problem, y'know I gotchu homie," oh my gosh what kind of words is she using? Her usage of "words" is quite interesting.
                   "Yea, yea, go back to your boyfriend already and leave me alone," she glared at me.
                   "He's not my boyfriend.....yet," I said to her.
                   "Did I just here a 'yet'? Oh my gosh I think I'm gonna......" Those were the last words she said before I heard a flatline signaling she had died.
                   "Oh well, I guess she won't see when I do have Kaito as my boyfriend," all of a sudden she comes back to life. "Okay, I'm gonna go back to Kaito. Talk to you later," I said my goodbyes and once again rehearsed what to tell Kaito.

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