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Note: I feel too lazy to write with the format I used on my latest chapters so pls have patience with my writing.

Conan's POV:
"Oi, Kaito, I need to tell you something," I said getting ready to explain basically my life story. "Nani?" Kaito responded. "Ummm," maybe I should just back down and stop trying to get a chance with him. "If you do that I will flatline and bring you with me this time. After all, I do have the power to kill people," Pandora said.
I sweat dropped, but I knew I should tell him this. "Kaito, I'm not who you think I am....unless you have already watched the anime," I winked. " What?" "Please ignore that last part. Anyway I'm not the person you think I am because I'm actually older than my current age and my real names is Kudo Shinichi," I said looking for his reaction. "Wow, Tantei-kun, I didn't know you loved me enough to come up with such a lie," he chuckled. I looked at him with a straight, yet a bit saddened, expression. "Come on, Tantei-kun, it can't be true, right?" I grabbed his hand and started running to Hagase's house. When I got there, I didn't bother ringing the doorbell since I knew where a spare key was. When we entered, Haibara was just climbing up from downstairs. "Oh, why are you here?" She said with a straight face. "I need the pill. No not the real one...pls" I begged with puppy eyes. "Come with me, without that guy," she said and we walked somewhere nobody could hear us. "Y'know I can't give you that pill, plus why did you bring him here?" "Haibara, you might think I'm crazy, but I have a jewel inside my head that told me she can increase my time instead whenever I took the pill. Oh, and I brought him because he's Kaito Kid and he stole me at a heist and we confessed our love to each other today, but he thinks I'm a kid and he doesn't want to be seen as a pedophile so we won't be boyfriends so I came for the pill to show him I'm not underage so the jewel inside me doesn't kill me," I said in one breath. "Wow, okay I may make drugs, but at least I didn't take whatever you're on right now," Haibara said. "Come on, please believe me"
        "Fine, but I would like to hear this jewel you speak of as proof,"  "If that's all I need. Pandora!"
         "Ayy who this tiny ass child who won't give MY child le pill? If you do not give ze pill, I will mess thee up. This is a promise," Pandora spoke in both of our minds. Immediately Haibara went to get the pill without a word, and I could hear Pandora cackling in my head. Haibara came back and gave me the pill but not before giving me a pitying glance. I could tell that in those few seconds she shared the same pain I have to go through with this jewel inside of me. "Please, be careful Kudo-kun, and I will give you a call when I get the real pill done." "Thanks, Haibara," I said
I went back to where I left Kaito standing, grabbed his hand, and ran back to his house while tugging him behind me. Once we got there, I asked him for something, "Kaito, could you let me borrow some of your clothes or a blanket?"
"I'll lend you a blanket because first of all I don't have any clean clothes, the ones I'm wearing were the last, and second of all, my clothes are not for kids," he explained. "That's fine, but can you please put some clothes to wash. I rather be wearing those than a blanket," I received a whine and fine from him. When he got back with the blanket I asked for and some clothes in the washer, we went to his room, where he had a bathroom of his own. "Okay, Kaito I'm going to prove I am who I say I am. By taking this pill, I will return to being the real me for about six hours." He looked at me like I was crazy, but that look was about to change. I went into the bathroom, locking the door, with the blanket and undressed myself. I stared at the pill then took it. "It hurts so much," I thought. I couldn't keep it in anymore and started yelling. I noticed that my pitch while yelling started changing and my body was growing. I heard loud knocking and shouting outside. Then I went silent and the knocking stopped. I now stood in front of the door ready to reveal myself as Kudo.

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