Chapter 1

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As far as Lyla Quincy could tell, It was going to be a lovely day.
The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and someone was shouting for her in the palace.

Lyla closed her eyes. Tilted her face up to let the heat of the day seep into her cheeks. Enjoyed the silence of nature...

"Have you seen Lady Quincy?" The female voice rang out again, interrupting her brief moment of serenity from where it floated towards her outside the palace.

"Shut the hell up," Lyla muttered, her lip curling slightly.
(She was kidding. Kind of.)

If her mother were here, she'd likely make an idle comment about how Lyla had bad influences in her life that were affecting her manners. Et cetera, that kind of thing.
Thankfully, she wasn't there. She was probably in the courtyard, drinking champagne and judging people.

With a groan, Lyla clambered to her feet and stretched like a lazy cat in the desert sun. The balcony perch was her favorite place when she wanted some privacy. And today, she found herself needing it more than ever.

As expected, Lyla was accosted as soon as she stepped back into the hallway.
"Lady Quincy." Her maid, Celia, bobbed a quick curtsy. "You're expected in the courtyard... did you tear your dress?"

Lyla glanced down; sure enough, there was a small tear in the puffed sleeve of her gown. She winced; she must have done it when she climbed in through the window.

"No," she said foolishly.

Her maid's sigh was pronounced as she handed Lyla a gauzy shawl.

"Put it on. Then go to the courtyard, if you please, Lady. Your mother has been asking for you— you're supposed to greet the guests."
Lyla didn't need to be reminded.

Every year, one of the palace kingdoms of the islands of the Detache hosted a large sports and game tournament, during which citizens from all over came to either watch and socialize, or compete. The athletics tournament— for some reason, was taken enormously seriously, used by the monarchies to throw lovely garden parties and impress fellow nobles. Today, Apreuna was hosting. Which meant everyone was busy scrambling to get everything together- everyone including Lyla.

Lyla pressed her fingers to her temples and tried to compose her expression.

"Thank you, Celia. That will be all. Stop fussing over me- go and watch the game. It's a lovely day out, and they're playing croquet now, I believe. You wouldn't want to miss that."
Her maid hesitated, her eyes darting towards the door.

"I'll be there in a moment," Lyla assured her.
Celia nodded gratefully and excused herself.

Lyla took the long way to the courtyard, admiring the desert flowers of their garden as she went. Smiling guests milled about around her, waving and complimenting her dress. It was rather pretty; lacy and pale blue, with a floaty skirt that reminded Lyla of a cloud.

"That's a lovely shawl, Lyla," said Lady Anaise enviously as she passed by with an escort.

"You're too kind. Ah, Lord Richard! Thank you so much for coming." By the time Lyla reached the courtyard, she felt as if her cheeks were going to split open from all of the smiling.

The palace staff had spent all week decorating for this event; spreading out colorful tents and ribboned pathways lining the field. The fountains were freshly shined, flowers trimmed back, blue lanterns strung along the pathways. Servants rushed around with drinks and appetizer plates.

The fenced area had been marked with chalk for the competitors, surrounded by nobles with umbrellas as they gathered to watch the games. Lyla didn't care much for them— watching sweaty people chase each other around for no apparent reason hadn't ever really appealed to her.

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