Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

There was something Aveline loved about a gray sky.

Clouds, rain... they evoked a feeling of reflection and longing.

For what, Aveline had no idea. But on a ship that was charmed to hold its own against rough weather, she could enjoy thunderstorms. Her favorite spot during these times was on upper deck, on the left side of the ship. There was a small overhang on the outside of the sitting room. A few years prior, Aveline would go out and sit underneath it, on the floor, with a heavy quilt and honeyed tea. Finally Ari had given in and put a small wooden bench there, so she could have a place to sit when the weather turned bad and she wanted to watch the ocean.

She perched there now, clasping a cup of tea in her hands and staring down at the steaming liquid as if it could give her answers.

Her conversation with Eli was still ringing in her head.

"I don't blame you," she'd whispered to him eventually. "But this is who I am."

His forehead had creased and for a moment she'd thought he wanted to argue, but he didn't.

"What a pair we make, hm?" Laughter had lingered in the sound of his voice. "A guard and a thief. I enforce the laws, and you break them."

"So.. what do we do now?" She'd asked him as it began to drizzle, and Eli had taken her hand- cautiously, as if he wasn't sure whether or not she'd pull away.

"I'm not giving up, Aveline." His thumb brushed the surface of her palm. "If you'll let me, I want to give this another chance."

Aveline gave him a stuttered nod and had been rewarded as his lips lifted up on one side.

"I must leave you. I'm due at post. But..." Eli let the sentence hang for a moment. "I'll see you tonight?"

Aveline thought on this now, wondering if she'd made the right decision. Eli had away of tugging on her heart, and she'd learned her lesson about putting all of her emotions onto a single person. The only one who could make her happy was herself. And yet, she couldn't say no. Could she ever say no, to him?

A small shadow flickered in her peripheral vision and she turned her head to see one of the boys standing there under the awning, drenched from the rain.

Aveline blinked. "Oliver? Is there something you need?"

She wasn't sure he'd respond to it; they'd had to name the children themselves when it was revealed that they hadn't been given any. She supposed they could have asked, but this one had reminded her a bit of the crown prince; quiet and behaved, so she'd ended up calling him Oliver.

He padded forward and wriggled his little-boy body up on the wooden seat next to her, his skinny legs dangling off the side. Aveline didn't push him further to speak; truth be told, she was just glad for the company.

She was starting to get used to the skittery feeling in her stomach. If she ignored it long enough, it would go away until she had to go to bed, and then she would lie awake for a few hours wondering what was wrong with her. Sure, she was thirsty all of the time and her skin had started to take on an interesting pale color, but Aveline didn't feel sick. If anything, she had more energy than before. She'd taken to running laps on the beach in the evenings when she couldn't sleep and training with Inez and Ari in the mornings.

Finally Aveline glanced at Oliver beside her. His goosebumped arms still glistened with raindrops, and the ragged shorts he wore were obviously not fit for the weather.

"Are you cold?"

Oliver inclined his head.

Aveline stood up. "Shall we go inside and find you something to eat?"

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