Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It wasn't Ari's fault that the shed was on fire.

Actually, in all technicalities, it most definitely had been his fault. But he wasn't about to let anyone else think that.

People were screaming and scrambling around like the very gates of hell had opened upon them. Ari rolled his eyes from where he leaned against a palace wall, watching the chaos. Nobles were so dramatic.

"Fire!" Someone was shouting, and the guards had rushed over to douse the meager flames with buckets of water. The horse race had been temporarily put on hold due to the prevalent disaster.

A slight grey plumage of smoke fumed weakly above the somewhat scorched toolshed- it would probably take them ten minutes, maximum, to put out the fire. The Queen herself had moved from her spot near the front of the festivities to demand what it was that had happened, and Ari calmly watched from his corner as someone scrambled to come up with an explanation. Finally the courtyard was silent, everyone's attention on the flames that had interrupted their festivities, and Ari took that opportunity to slip away from the crowd.

This never would have happened if they had just listened to him.

As a pirate captain, he had to say- he wasn't accustomed to people simply not listening to him.

(These last few months had been, in a word, different. It wasn't just that Ari was used to calling the shots, it was palace life in general that irked him. The itchy clothes, the tea parties, the mannerisms... he hadn't stolen anything in weeks. Anyway, that wasn't the point.)

He could see Lyla standing with her mother, an expression of concern tautening her pale face. The competitors had left the tournament field, which remained empty save for Henry who waited for him anxiously by the fence.

The sixteen-year old was twisting his hands, his eyebrows knitted into a crease in his forehead.

"Thanks for the fetching me the matches, Henry."

"Captain," Henry whispered, hastily looking around to make sure no one else was present, "I still don't understand why that was necessary."

"I had my reasons." Ari folded his arms. "This should delay the tournament by an hour or so. Where are the horses?"

"They're still here. I was supposed to put them back into the stable. They've gone mad. Ari, I really don't want to get in trouble for this-"

"Henry?" Aveline's voice floated worriedly into the fray, and Ari folded his arms, steeling himself for her wrath. "You're supposed to be with Inez, and have you seen Ari? I don't..." His friend trailed off as she approached, dropping her hands to her skirt.

Aveline's quick eyes bloomed with understanding as she scrutinized their stances- she never missed anything.

"Ari." She rubbed her forehead with the back of her hand. "What the hell?"

Henry spoke up immediately, despite Ari's warning glare. "Aveline, it was all Ari's idea, I never-"

"I know, Henry," she said calmly. Ari glowered at the boy. Traitor. "Do you think you could leave Ari and I alone for a moment? Inez is looking for you."

Ari sighed. "Henry, wait by the horses."

"Sure." His head meekly dipped as he scurried away.

Aveline waited a moment beside him, watching the nobles crowd together around the shed.

"I know you're trying to get the Queen to sack us," she finally said as she stood staring at the flames, "but did you have to do this?"

Ari scowled. "No one uses that shed anyway."

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