Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Lyla was having mixed feelings about the entire evening.

On one hand, she was, doubtless, ecstatic to see Tristran again.
Her cousin looked happy— and anyone who knew Tristran knew that he looked rather disgruntled most of the time, so that was more than she had expected.

She had missed him, and Ben, and even Jamie, though she doubted they'd be able to see her much...
Whatever. That had nothing to do with Lyla, anyway.

On the other hand... Lyla couldn't say the disturbing nature of the case hadn't shaken her.
Almost more perturbing was the casual way in which her cohorts discussed it- especially Aveline and Ari, who hadn't seemed fazed at all by any of the gruesome details.

They quickly took their attentions away from Prince Tristran and his companions to resume mulling over it. The much anticipated little trio disappeared soon after into the crowd to meet eagerly awaiting nobles, and Lyla watched them closely.

Jamie looked, perhaps, the most different; there was confidence in the way she held her head, poise in her curtsies, and regality in her expression— someone had taught her palace manners.
As Inez and Simon left to get drinks, Lyla deliberated whether or not to mention this to her companions.

"So, assuming we take the job... what are our goals?" Ari was saying, already bent thoughtfully over a piece of parchment paper that Aveline was writing on with a quill pen. The pair liked making lists almost as much as they liked solving creepy mysteries that any normal person would distance themselves from, Lyla thought. Lucky her.

(It wasn't that Lyla didn't want to go to Verignes, or take the assignment, but she had to admit that Inez and Simon's dismaying story had dampened the prospect of adventure, somewhat.)

"Find out what's making the townspeople go crazy," she put in, to make a sensible contribution.

"Perfect. What else?"

"Well, I've always wanted to walk dramatically away from an explosion," volunteered Aveline, squinting thoughtfully at her scribbled handwriting.

Ari snapped his fingers. "Write it down."

Lyla changed the subject before she could start wondering how they ever got anything done.

"Jamie looks very pretty tonight." She tried to keep her tone neutral— well, as neutral as it ever could be while she brought up the obvious. She met Aveline's gaze over Ari's shoulder- Aveline's expression mirrored hers.

"Who cares?" Ari straightened, irritation crossing his features as he examined their reactions. Ari's curls had grown out a bit in the few months that they'd spent in Apreuna— they kept flopping into his eyes, and he kept pushing them away. "What the bloody hell are you two gawking at me for?"

"No reason," Lyla quickly lied. "It's just that, you know, Jamie and you..."

"Jamie and I nothing. Let it go."

Lyla exchanged glances with Aveline. She didn't exactly know what happened between the two of them, but she was at least observant enough to know that Ari and Aveline hadn't exactly parted on good terms with Jamie and Eli, respectively.

"Fine." She pulled her plate of roasted chicken and apples back towards her, peering down at the spiced food as she picked through it with a fork. "Since we are taking the Verignes job, I assume, we do have to speak to the Queen at some point this evening and let her know," she reminded them, forcing a bit of asparagus into her mouth.

"One thing at a time," said Aveline. "Also, this is unrelated, but I've been thinking- Lady Clarette and Lord Guernot would make a lovely couple."

"That's a great idea," Ari agreed. "They're both vapid and annoying."

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