Everything About You - Lexy & Niall

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LISTEN TO EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU WHILE READING, cause it should be on replay ;) This is going to be in Niall POV. :3 It'll be interesting, I hope. xD

Lexy and I have been together for a few years. I met her at a concert. She was pretty close to the stage, and everytime I looked at the sea of fans, my eyes always landed on her. She stood out, in a good way of course. I asked Paul to bring her backstage. Lexy paniced and thought she was in trouble, but when I went backstage for a moment, she gawked at me. It was adorable. I swear I heard her heart pounding from excitement.

I asked her if she wanted to be one of the fans that got to come on stage when the lads and I sung I Want.Words didn't leave her lips, but that simple nod was enough. Lou took her for make-up and hair, so I went back on stage.

When she walked on stage, she was shaking, so I jogged over to her and gave her a comforting smile. I placed my hand onto her's, our fingers intertwining, directioners screamed even louder. Lexy calmed down when we touched.

After the concert, we exchanged numbers. She gave me her address in case I ever visited. Lexy left with a grin on her face. But after that night, we never saw each other. We texted and called each other, but never saw each other, not in person or on Skype.

Once the tour was over, I traveled around the world for her. I was going to surprise her. When I reached her house, I silently walked to her door, and knocked. Her mother answered, and told me she was in her room. I walked to Lexy's room and knocked, the door opening itself. Lexy's jaw dropped once I gave her the roses I bought her.

I stayed for a week, and every day I took her out on dates, getting to know her better. Once I did, I learned that she wasn't as shy as she appeared, but fun and carefree. In my eyes, she was perfect. I don't even know why she didn't have a boyfriend when I first met her!

When it was time for me to go back home, to Ireland, I asked her if she wanted to come. Lexy asked her mother and she said yes, but she had to be back for her Senior year, then she could go where ever she wanted for college.

I helped her pack her stuff for her two month trip to Ireland and London. We finished right on time!

Back to the present.

My fingers were intertwined with Lexy's. We were going on a date to Nandos. We stuffed our faces with food the entire time, until we couldn't eat anything else, probably not for a day or two. We were laughing our bums off as we left the resturant. Wow, her laugh is beautiful. Addicting. I love it.

"The lads and I are going to be going to a party tonight, and I was wondering if you could be my date," I asked, out fo the blue.

"Is there going to be alcohol?" Lexy smirked. Whenever the two of us go to parties, we've always gotten drunk, so I'm guessing she doesn't want that to happen again, or does. You never know with her, and I love that about her too.

"Probably. It is a party, you know?" I replied.

I stopped for a moment. I wanted to kiss her. I don't know, I just wanted to feel her lips once more. We've only kissed once and it was when we were drunk. I let go of her hand and walked in front of her. I gave her a smile, before pressing my forehead against hers. I could feel her breath. I watched as her eyelids fluttered a little before closing. I closed my eyes as well. I gently caressed her cheek before presing my lips against hers. Our lips moved in sync, and it was a short, but sweet kiss. I love her kisses.

"You know I always say yes to parties!" She exclaimed, a big grin that touched her ears danced around her face.

Later that night, I came to pick her up from her fltat in the center of London. It was for two people and small, but it was modern. We've had a few dates here, and watched movies, but there wasn't much watching..

Lexy was dressed in a red dress, making her eyes more noticable. Her eyes were a bright blue like mine. She also wore a pair of black high heels; I wonder how girls walk in them so much. They hurt, and I would know because of the dare in Australia. It was funny. I gave up, and just took the shoes off and ran.

"You look beautiful, as always," I told her, giving her a kiss on her forehead.

"You look dashing, Nialler!" She grinning.

At the party, everyone was there except us. One Direction were always fashionable late, mostly because of Louis. That lad takes forever to get ready, more than Eleanor! Lexy and I were dancing most of the time, trying to stay away from the pints, but I gave in. I grabbed two drinks, one for Lexy and the other for myself. We drank then in a matter of seconds, wanting more.

By the time were were drunk, it was 1 a.m. Lexy was gonna have a huge hangover in the morning, and so was I.  I think I might stay over tonight. I crawled over to Lexy, who was on the floor, a bottle in her hand.

"Lexy! Come on. We're going home," I told her. She was definitely not sober.

"You aren't driving, and I'm not. Get Liam. He's driving. He can come back later. I wanna go home. My head hurts!" Lexy whined.

I called Liam over and he picked her up, carrying her to his car. He gently placed her in the back seat, puting her seat belt of course. I slipped into the passenger's seat and waited for Li. When he got in, he started to drive away. We reached her house in a few minutes. I got out, and then picked her up, and carried her to her room. I almost fell a few times.

When I reached her flat, I grabbed the spare key and unlocked the door, locking it behind me after I we went in. I ran to her room, knowing I'd pass out soon. I set her down on her bed, and then laid down next to her.

I started to sing her favorite song softly. I paused for a moment to kiss her lips, and then passed out.

It's everything about her that I love. She's my princess.


I might not post a One Shot tomorrow, so I'll write another one today, and try to post it. I'll be posting a Tip soon. ^.^ Lexy (@Lexy_3872) can I post this onto DeviantArt? Mine is RoseShadow99. I hope you liked it! :)


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