Moments - Natalie & Niall

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**WARNING** Please note that Moments is a very sad song, and it makes you sob. This might make you sob. Prepare your tissues. I cried writing this one shot :'( There are a few meanings of the song, and I chose this one.

"Niall," Natalie softly murmured to me, "I don't want to leave, but it's all for a reason. It's destiny," she told me, her voice barely audible, "I love you, and I always will. I'll be watching over you, always." She paused for a brief moment, "Live while you're young. Go one with your life. Be happy."

By this point, I was sobbing. I slowly ran my hand gently through her curly hair and stared into her eyes. It'll be the last time I'll see those beautiful eyes. My hand finds her hand, our fingers intertwining, for the last time.

"I love you, Natalie," I told her, forcing a smile on my face.

Suddenly, the heart monitor had straight lines and there was a loud beep, which made nurses rush into the room, and try to revive her, but it was too late. She's gone, forever, and no one can change anything about. Like Natalie said, everything happens for a reason, right?

I held my tears back and walked out of the room, looking at Natalie for one last time, before the boys and I left the hospital. Thanks to Paul, no one knew about the cancer in Natalie's body, so they didn't know we'd be here. The area was fan free, thank gosh, because I don't want to be seen right now.

Natalie got cancer three months ago, and the doctor was right when he said she only had three months left to live. If I could, I would switch places with her. I was going to ask her to marry me, on the Eiffel Tower in a month, on Valentine's Day, but I didn't have enough time. I wanted her to have my last name.

When I got back to my flat, I threw the key and went to my room, holding the tears back. I looked down at my trembling hands, and let the tears stream down my face. I look into a mirror and see Natalie next to me. It looked so real, so when I turned around, no one was there.

I dragged myself to my room, which was on the very top of the apartment complex. I close the door behind me and turn the lock to the right, locking myself in. I wanted to be alone. I didn't want to be seen. I didn't want to talk to anyone. The love of my life is gone, and I'm here. I want to be next to her, not here.

I look outside my window and notice it was alright night, and it had a bunch of clouds. The stars were clouded, like my judgement. I don't want to be without her. Why did she have to leave?

I walked over to my guitar and picked it up, but my hands were silent. They didn't move, and there wasn't any music. Then I tried singing, but noting came out. My voice is numb. The next thing I could do is scream at the top of my lungs, but it makes things harder, and more tears stream down my face.

I opened the window and sit on the window bench that was placed there. I slowly closed my eyes and let all those memories come flooding back to me. I knew the one that as coming was the worst one, or maybe the best one. I want it to be the best one.

"Miss Natalie, I have bad news. Mr. Horan, would you please leave the room. It is only for family to hear. She will tell you-" the doctor started, but was cut off.

"Cut to the chase, Katie. Niall stays. Hospital regulations or not." Natalie told him in a totally chilled voice. I have never once heard her raise her voice at anyone, even if they might have annoyed her to death.

"But-" the doctor muttered, but she shut up and started to say the bad news, "The cancer has spread too much for us to remove. There is no chance. You only have three months to live, my dear friend."

My heart dropped, and I swear it stopped for a minute when I heard those painful words. His words were blade to me. It was too early for Natalie to leave. She still had a beautiful future ahead of her, right? This Katie doctor must be lying! She can't leave! No! Natalie has never done anything wrong to deserve this.!

When the flashback ended, I was so close to the edge... maybe I could slip off the edge and go to her. We could be next to each other again, but the only reason I didn't just slip off the edge of the window was because her last words echoed in my head.

"Live while you're young. Go on with your life. Be happy."

But even though I didn't actually fall, I could feel my self falling, and then Natalie was by my side again. I touched her shoulder, and she felt so real this time, like she was actually next to me. It felt like she was alive. Her skin was warm, not cold like a vampire in Twilight. But she wasn't real. She's gone and I'm going to be happy, and live while I'm young.

I'll write a song, dedicated to Natalie, about her last words, but only I'd know the true meaning of the song. Only me and Natalie. She'd be happy and sing along to it every time it was played. She'd be laughing and making puns about the song. Natalie would be next to me.


I haven't forgotten the One Shots my young padawons. xD But omfg this is so sad. I'm crying. I cry every time I hear the song :'( It's such a beautiful song. But there you go Natalie. :) Hope you cried... I mean liked it. ahaha

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2012 ⏰

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