a told happiness everyone will be happy about.

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Enjoy, music is fun to listen to if you want to hear it.


Today is the day, that the guild will find out about our pregnancy.

Lucy's pov:

Laxus and I thought we would wait a bit before we told the guild, just for safety incase anything went wrong, but thankfully things went smoothly, and I was a month pregnant, I was already growing but it was only small, but still, I'm happy to be bringing a human being into this world, Laxus has been wonderful and slightly overprotective of me, but I love him for it. I can't wait to tell the guild about the amazing future that I'll be carrying for the next nine months of my life.

I woke up to a summery morning with the nice warm embracing  feeling of the sun, but I was missing someone and smelt something cooking, but before I could go get the food, I suddenly felt the urge to vomit, and did of last night's dinner, Laxus came into the room and found me in the bathroom crouching over the toilet, and pulled my hair out the way, and rubbed my back for comfort until I had finished what was left out of my stomach, and cleaned myself and laxus kindly cleaned the toilet for me, he's really been a big sweetheart to me, I wouldn't ask for any more or less of him.

After my daily meeting with the bathroom was cleaned up and sorted i changed into my outfit and kept my hair down and wavy, I wore a lace tank top, and a pair of denim short shorts and sandals.

"Are you ok" laxus asked with concern in his voice.

"Yeah, just morning sickness nothing to worry about" I said smiling as I gave him a kiss for his concerns over me, "I love you, lucy, you know I can't help but worry about you, now more than ever with our future that your carrying" "i know and I love you too, but now I'm starving, so let's eat them go to the guild so we can give the announcement" I said kissing him again "ok" he replied before we went to get my breakfast.

I went downstairs to the kitchen, I was starving , I walked into the kitchen and saw some ready made pancakes, that laxus had made, I sat at the kitchen table, and had a few of the pancakes laid out in front of me, and may I say, laxus makes really delicious food, after we finished our food, Laxus got himself dressed into his black vest top and a pair of camouflaged shorts and my usual jacket, when we were ready we walked hand in hand to the guild excited to tell the guild of out news.

(Time skip to guild)
Laxus' pov:

Lucy and I stood outside the two big brown door, lucy seemed a bit nervous about going in, but I gently squeezed her hand for reassurance "ready?" I asked, " yeah, let's do this" she replied.

Then we swung open the doors, suddenly a table flew towards us and I quickly got in front of Lucy before it got her, I caught it and threw it back the way it came, "you alright lucy?!" I asked worried, "yeah I'm good, just another day of Fairy tails craziness " she replied with a smile, which made me smirk back at her.

As we continued walking in and dogging tables and chairs, over to the bar we went to ask if mira could shut the guild up, "hey mira!?" Lucy said to the white haired mage, " hiya, what can I do for you? " she asked, "could you shut everyone up, we have an announcement to tell everyone" Lucy replied, "sure" Mira said before turning to the rest of the guild, "hey!, listen up everyone Laxus and Lucy have an announcement!!!" Mira shouted to everyone, they all went silent.

"Laxus and I are having a baby, I'M PREGNANT!!!" Lucy shouted to everyone, 1 2 3, "congratulations guys!!!!!!" The whole guild erupted with cheers, lucy and I got separated by the girls and guys, and they were saying "watch out for boys, if it's a girl" by gildarts, "having kids is manly" by Elfman, "you've grown to be a fine young man, you sure have grown a pair" another guy said etc., After that chit chat about me being a dad and stuff, then I just spent the rest of the time with my team who asked about how far long and what gender the baby is, we mostly evergreen.

I over heard most of lucys conversations, about the pregnancy, then I heard them ask about our sex life, which I glimpsed over to see Lucy sweat drop and looked at me signalling 'help', and as a nice husband who didn't want them talking about their sex life, so I came to her rescue, "hey, hun let's go to the office for a bit" I said, so that we could relax and get away from the members 'intense' questions, "yeah, sure" she replies as we walked up to the second floor and into my office
(a/n makorav is still the master, and they already told him by lacrima because he was at a masters conference).

I opened the door for Lucy and walked into my large size office, I sat on my desk chair and signalled for Lucy to sit on my lap, and she did as I just cradled her in my arms, with her under my fur jacket.

I looked down at Lucy, then suddenly she got off me and ran to the bathroom in my office, and all I could hear was the sound of Lucy vomiting, so I walked into the bathroom to hold her hair out the way and reassured her by calmly rubbing her back with soft circles, and as a kind gentlman, I helped clean her up, so I helped her in the shower (yes he has a shower, back to story), "you know I can wash myself y'know?", " I don't care, besides I like helping you, Lucy, I love you" "hmm, I love you too" she said happily.

After I helped clean her up, I dressed her in a pink crop top and a denim skirt, "how do you feel?" I asked placing my hand on her forehead, "I feel fine, thanks to you" she responded with a smile, which I returned, "I feel kinda tired, can we have a nap together?" She asked, " sure " I said through a yawn, so we went over to the sofa bed turning it into a bed and getting comfy, ready to sleep, so we chatted about random things and fell fast asleep.

Ok how was that, 1113 words for ya, I hope this is a bit longer, and I hope you enjoy my story. See ya next time :-)

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