Day 18

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Today was dumb. We did a pop vocab quiz and read this boring story. After that we did this dumb group work. That class has its time where it's fun and then when it isn't.

African History:
We're still learning about colorism and it just gets more interesting everyday. I love this class.

AP Geo:
So we learned about GPS today and we also found the most creepiest things. So apparently Google tracks everywhere we go and how many times we visit a place. It was just creepy.

Class moved by fast today. We learned about the skeleton and my teacher was just going through parts super fast it was hard to keep up.

Intersting moment:
So these two cheerleaders did two cheers during lunch and it was weird because 1. Barely anyone was paying attention and 2. There was no purpose behind it. It was just weird.

Question of the Day:

What are your plans for the weekend?

I have a lot so yeah.

Hey guys! Pray for me because I'm about to get my permit. Hope I do well.

*Live and Love Life*


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