Bab 11 - Aktiviti

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"Crushku, husbandku? No, pilihan orang tua,itu terbaik" 

SIR Fakhrul arahkan kami bentangkan pasal satu case study yang dia bagi. Setiap orang dia bagi case study yang sama.

"HAHAHAHA" Kuat. Hampir separuh peserta kem tergelak. Aku pun ikut tergelak cuma takde la over sangat. Ayu ayu je.

"Apasal? Tajuk tak best?" Sir Fakhrul bertanya. Nampak macam muka dia susah hati.

"Bukan. Tajuk ni best tapi lawak." Wilson yang jarang jarang bercakap tu tiba-tiba menjawab bagi pihak kami.

"Apa akan dilakukan sekiranya penumpang tidak selesa dengan bau kentut ketika dalam penerbangan. Hmmm.... nice article." Ashraf baca semula article. sekali lagi kami bantai gelak.

"Macam pelik je tajuk ni." Rachel bersuara.

"Aah. Macam tak penting pun ada jugak." Kali ni konconya, Iqa pula menyampuk.

"Kalau awak rasa tak penting. Awak silap. Awak pernah terfikir tak pasal benda ni selama awak hidup?" Serius suara Sir Fakhrul. Aku tengok Iqa geleng.

"So, benda macam ni penting." Dia berjeda.

"Since no one figured out how to solve the problem if this thing's happen. And can you imagine if one day... you are flying to overseas which takes more than 8 hours to arrive to your destination and then suddenly there are passenger or passengers farted in the flight. What should you do? Will the flight do the emergency landing or just fly straight away to the scheduled airport?"

Serius. Sir Fakhrul dah kembali ke suasana belajar.

"May I give my opinion?" Tracy, budak Sarawak tu angkat tangan. Sir Fakhrul angguk.

"I think the flight should stop and take emergency landing. It is because the smell of farts will lead to impaired concentration of the pilot." Tracy berhenti setakat tu.

"From my opinion. The farted smell is not long lasting disturbace and will not cause to any impaired concentration or others. Since it is short term crisis and not lead to any harm." Razif memberikan pula hujah.

Aku angkat tangan. Aku lihat Sir Fakhrul angguk. Dan aku mulakan hujah.

"I have a different view for this case. Firstly, there is no right and wrong answer since this is to show our thinking skills. And second, I do agree with Tracy. She said that the flight must do emergency landing. My answer is yes if the pilot says he or she was disturbed by the smell. And he or she can't concentrate. If the pilot says he or she is okay with that, they also should do emergency landing. The airline itself wants the best for their customers, alright? So, ensure the customer's convenience is a must."

Semput pulak nafas aku. Bercakap laju tak de henti langsung. Dan aku tengok ramai yang angguk-angguk.

"Yes, absolutely right. This is just to test your thinking skills. And I believe that everyone already got their idea on how to solve this problem right?"

Kami angguk. Sir Fakhrul sambung lagi.

"So, I want everyone of you, think and write the best suggestion to the airlines industry to solve this problem."

Sir Fakhrul berjeda. "And pass to me before 9.00 a.m."

"Okay Sir." Serentak. Macam berjanji pulak.

Kemudian masing-masing sibuk membuka buku dan mula menulis. Aku dan Tania pun sama. Aku tulis apa je yang terlintas dalam kepala otak aku. Takpe, bukan kena marah pun kalau salah. Dah nama pun suggestion kan?

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