5. "Calls me daddy."

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Song: White night J.Lu

Fiela's POV

Finally! A day of rest. Rest from being a mother, from being a daughter and from work as all three problems sorted themselves out. My dad Jin finally got tired of me continuously checking up on him, I dropped Aufilea off to her friends house for the weekend and I have two free days off work.

I lay on my bed closing my eyes hoping to get even the slightest bit of sleep. Even just a little sleep, will do my sore body good..just a little sleep. Just a little...

I open my eyes staring right back into the eyes of the man I love so much, Jungkook. I smile a little holding his neck leaning to kiss him lightly. I open my eyes in between the kiss to admire him but the darkness and the stars above catch my attention.

"What in the world-" I gap my mouth open looking around the deep dark night sky. The little stars twinkling with an open view of the moon, that's when I feel the light breeze blowing past me. "Oh sweet pie, am I outside? Are we outside right now?" I ask in amazement and bewilderment.

"Took you a while to notice," Jungkook genuinely smiles and leans away sitting next to me on the black blanket wrapped around making it look like a comfortable bed.

I shake my head laughing. "Jeon Jungkook! Did you just kidnap me?" I laugh harder.

"Well," he smiles laying down and I lay my head on top of his chest hearing his heartbeat. "You were sleeping so soundlessly and I thought maybe to give you a break you really need right now.. So I took you out the house and brought you here,"

It was definitely not our backyard or anywhere near the city. We were far away, somewhere heavenly with only the stars and a beautiful clear scenery of green grass and a lake. "Thank you, it's lovely. Although I am kind of creeped that it's night time already. Which means you watched me sleep all afternoon!"

"Most parts of it was in the car but yes," he chuckles. "I recorded your snoring," he brings out his phone playing the recording of me snoring while light music plays in the background.

"You," I laugh deeply shaking my head. "Thank you, but honestly..." I look up to his face seeing him lean on a yellow pillow. "You shouldn't have done all this. You're always so... thoughtful and full of giving that I feel it's hard for me to repay you back,"

He grins at my words shaking his head. "I don't want you to pay me back anything. We've been together for like a year and some months but you still feel like you need to repay me?"

"Yes," I nod my head sitting up stretching my arms admiring the stars above. I smile a small smile and get on top of him straddling his waist. "I mean you've let me be free, live with you and are so good to Aufilea-"

"And she calls me daddy," he says and I nod.

"My point exactly. You're just always there for me when I'm struggling and also when I'm happy, that it feels too good to... just be friends...with benefits.." I lay my hands on his chest. "Like I'm never alone, or doing everything by myself,"

His fingers come up to my hair playing around with the ends. "That's because I want you to know that you don't have to do anything alone," I smile at that going back down to his side so that he can rest his arms around me. "I'm here to take it on with you,"

I sigh and look up to his face. "Don't break my heart," I say softly running my fingers over his chest. "I'm already so attached to you," I look down swallowing a hard lump but he holds onto my chin bringing me back up to look at him giving me a passionate kiss.

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