20. "I Do"

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Fiela's pov 

What is this feeling I'm feeling? The feeling of having no heartbeat but still living. The feeling of waiting for life to begin, waiting for my life to begin.

I take in a deep breath just as my father, Jin kisses my forehead. He moves back still with tears at the brink of his eyes. He swallows back a deep lump softy uttering his words. "You look gorgeous,"

I feel my lips quivering and my hands slightly shaking making the bouquet shiver. This is that moment I've been waiting for. The moment where my life begins. I end up smiling with a lot of effort and less tears but it fails when my dad comes closer using his handkerchief to dab underneath my eyes.

"Thanks dad," I take the chance and hug him tight for a while. He embraces me and covers me with his arms. I feel the warmth of my father, the warmth of family and of love. "I wish Andrea was here," the words roll of my tongue and I freeze.

A river of tears swell up around my eyes and I know that if I blink or even make the slightest movement around my eyes, then a few tears will pour out making me burst and cry. Since Andrea has passed, we've never spoken about her again. And it's hard. It's hard to believe that I once had a sister but that sister isn't living any longer.

I begin to feel the loneliness on days when the sun shines brightly, she loved the sun. I find myself calling her number only to be greeted by the voice projection telling me the number has been disconnected and does not exist. Most weeks I would get in my car and drive with no destination on an empty road, crying my soul out. Other times I would go to her graveyard and feel absolutely numb. Seeing the tombstone makes me believe that everything is real and not a lie. But through it all I've had Jungkook and my parents. They helped me to come to terms with my reality and live in a world without her.

"I miss her,"

"I know," he hugs me tighter. "I miss her too. But she's still here with you," he points  to my heart.

A soft violin tune plays indicating that it's time. My heart begins to beat fast while my dad laughs. "It's not funny dad. I probably look all puffy and swelled,"

"No," he grins bringing my veil down looping our arms together. "You look perfect,"

Just as he says that the double doors open wide and the whole orchestra plays a beautiful song. My heart beats fast as I take control of my body again walking slowly alongside my dad with our arms looped. [Song: Euphoria English cover Ysabelle Cuevas]

I smile widely feeling another wave of tears swarming by my eyes. I take a glance to my left and I'm surprised when I see Taehyung. He has a little smile on his lips and looks forward making me turn my head as well to the man I'm here for.

My heart skips a beat causing my legs to stand still. Completely stunned trying to catch my breath by the sight. He smiles that cute bunny smile of his as he tries to hold his own tears back. That one smile says so much to me, confirms that my life is really starting today. With something new and someone beautiful and extraordinary.

My dad gently tugs making me walk again. The first tear that falls down my cheek makes me elated.

My man. I can finally cal him that. I've waited for this. For the moment his eyes would look at me and make me feel so jovial. His eyes fascinate me and I can't look away from them, not today and not ever. He nods his head and for some unknown reason I do the same. After nodding I understand what he's saying and I chuckle.

We finally stop and I turn to my dad giving him the biggest hug ever as he does the same. When we break apart I see his eyes wet with tears and I nearly start crying as well. He leads me up the last stairs and I'm up. I turn and face Jungkook completely not being able to hold myself anymore, I let go of the tears and laugh a little.

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