16. "Quality time."

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"I Kim Fiela daughter of Kim Ramon Jin and sister to Kim Andrea vow before the Bible to tell nothing but the truth." Fiela repeats after the spokesman before taking a seat on the left side by the podium looking firmly at the lawyer Bong Byun.

He stands before the judge clearing his throat. The court had been fully active since 10am in the morning.

The court room has never been this full before. All seats filled but still reporters and cameramen pouring all around, stand against the wall trying to get a good view of the man who brutally murdered his wife, Kim Andrea, his son, Kim Taedae and his brother, Kim Namjoon along with an Officer, Jung Hoseok.

Taehyung sits on his seat on the right hand side of the judge staring blankly at the floor. A huge dawn of loss on his shoulders as all eyes are on him.

A full row of all the family he ever considered his, Jin, Veronica, Jimin, Yoongi and Aufilea front row and centred watching as it all goes down.

For three weeks now the court has been going on, leaving Taehyung in the hot seat all alone. Today is the last day and his sentence.

"I, Bong Byun, with full respect will follow all laws of the court and bring liberty to this case." The intimidating lawyer turns his stare to the judge as she grants him permission to begin. The silence of the court boosts up a spark of confidence in Bong as he takes the platform. "Fiela, now I only have two questions for you. As I was doing research I noticed that you and your sister were hostages in your own home. The malicious squad of young boys including Kim Taehyung here assaulted the girls. So my question to you, as you were a victim back there tell me on the behaviours you picked up on him?"

All eyes focus on Fiela, a wave of vulnerability hitting her hard. The day she'll never forget repeats in her head like a movie. The feeling of loss and anger pining in her heart.

"First of all, get your facts straight. He did not hurt me nor my sister. In fact he was the one who protected us while his brother Namjoon caused ruckus. To answer your question...  The behaviours I noticed were that he was obsessed with my sister.. he didn't seem harmful. Only obsessed...and with his help we got out. He had family issues and was just so private." Fiela says turning her head to Taehyung. She clinches her jaw shaking her head.

Taehyung closes his eyes. Once again he has to go through all the disgusting looks people give him. Full exposure to his dark side.

Bong nods his head looking to the judge. "8 years ago meets with now. Fiela said he had family issues and it's no secret that Kim Taehyung self handedly murdered his father and had Namjoon cover up for him. Link 1, daddy says something, he doesn't like it so he stabs him to deat–"

"That's not-" The judge silences Taehyung's complaints telling Bong to continue.

"Let's get to the next one, he had a temper. Now tell me Fiela has he ever lashed out in front of you and if so how?"

"Yes. Everytime I spoke about his past he would get defensive and start banging things telling me to stop." Fiela notes.

"Do you think he lashed out on Andrea?" Bong asks walking back to the audience eyeing Aufilea before going back to Fiela. How Bong hated involving children in grown people's matters.

"I wouldn't think that but there was a time.."she fades away and Taehyung peers at her.

"No please, tell me what happened?" Bong speaks up getting closer to Fiela. "No sin needs to remain in the dark,"

"I invited them over to my house for my engagement party. He came alone and told me Andrea wasn't feeling well. So as a sister I phoned later on to check up on her. She was in pain and I could tell something was not right but I didn't think much of it, she was avoiding the subject of speaking about him so I didn't even bother going on but days later I did visit her. She looked so beat, her face was swelling and stuff, I.."

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