7. "Reasons to leave."

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Andrea's POV

It's been 2 weeks since I heard the news of Fiela and Jungkook getting married. I've been trying so hard not to tell Taehyung but every time I see him and we accidentally stumble on the topic of Fiela I have to hold myself back.

This is thrilling news. The fact that my sister is getting married and I'll be the maid of honour is really amazing. Now my father Jin can have a peaceful rest as he sleeps and longer stresses about his daughters future.

Fiela and Jungkook are having a dinner party with the whole family plus some friends. There she will announce her engagement to Jeon Jungkook. I'm so happy for her and Jungkook. She spoke to Yoongi about the news and at first he seemed detached but seconds later he encouraged her. Yoongi really did change.

I will never forget the day that he helped me when Namjoon tried to rape me. The way he cared for Aufilea and when he apologized to my dad for all the ruckus he caused. As long as he's happy and not trying to plot some revenge like Namjoon did then we're all so thrilled for the wedding. Except Taehyung, who still doesn't know.

I walk down the stairs heading to the closet where we keep all cleaning supplies. Taehyung just left for work a second ago so now I have to start my day.

Ever since I took the toll to start working from home rather then at work I've been less busy. It turns out that my boss was kind enough to feature my blog posts to the head of department who now handle and manage my blog while giving me one or two reports to write. More quality time for me and my two babies, Taedae and Taehyung. Not to forget house work.

I begin cleaning the living room, sweeping the dinning room floor, mopping the bathroom floors, washing the dishes and putting them away. I finally finish going up the stairs to feed Taedae.

Honestly I feel so much at ease these days. Relaxed and chilled. My sister is about to become a married woman, my salary has increased over the past few weeks and Taehyung and I are on good notes.

Everything is just perfect.

"Tae Tae," I peep my head in his slightly dirty room. "Well it was time to eat but now I have to clean,"

He covers his mouth laughing and clapping his hands. "Yayyy,"

I laugh picking up his toys on the floor arranging them. I watch him carefully seeing how he's holding on the wall trying to stand. Which reminds me, Taehyung has to buy him those rolling baby cribs. The day Taedae starts walking will be a very big moment in all our lives.

I finish cleaning, picking up Taedae from the floor. I sit down on the chair with him on my lap. I laugh when he starts getting excited hitting on my boobs while smiling.

I button down my shirt pulling down my bra feeling my nipples becoming sore from of the cold air. My breast is heavy and warm causing a little pain around it as I lift it up directing it into Taedae's eager mouth. As anticipated he begins suckling like a pro gripping on tightly, I hold him back a bit feeling sore.

"Tae you're hurting me," I say softly remembering when Taehyung tries drinking from my boobs. Taedae stops sucking and looks at me with a toothless grin. I laugh caressing his cheek. "You're gonna have to get off the breastmilk soon hei,"

"Andrea would you– oh shit. I'm sorry. I didn't– didn't know you were–" Hoseok begins to back away his head turning away. "I'll just come back later,"

I laugh a little grabbing the nearest blanket covering my front and Taedae. "It's okay, what did you want to say?"

He faces back to me peering down, his smile returns and he enters Taedae's room confidently. "Oh good. Well I wanted to take Namjoon out for some fresh air at the park and thought maybe if you could join us?" He asks scratching his head.

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