Day 13

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Cringy chapter is cringy.

I woke up to large, cold hands shaking me. I knew Ivan was trying to wake me, but in my sleepy state I couldn't figure out why. I groaned and tried to bury myself deeper in the pillow. He continued to shake me, so I swatted his hands away. I heard him chuckle in amusement.

"Fredka, I know you are tired, but you have to get up now. We need to go to meeting." He said patiently as he gently coxed me awake.

"Uuuhhhhhgggggg!" I lifted my head to groan again loudly at him. "I don't want to. I'm too tired."

I noticed that my sight was really blurry and realised I didn't have my glasses on. I tried looking around for them as best I could, first looking in the general location of where I remeber the night stand to be. I felt Ivan take my chin and pull it up. Gently he placed Texas on my face.

"You need to stop sleeping in these. One day you will break them." He said sternly, but not meanly.

"Yea. I'm kinda surprised I haven't broken them already." I agreed. I yawned loudly and looked around for a clock. "What time is it?"

"It is 6:20." He told me. I jumped up in a panic.

"Crap. I need to get dressed and take the cats for a walk-"

"Done. I did that earlier." He smiled and pointed to the cats who were sleepibgbon the other bed. Spoiled kitties got their own bed to sleep in.

"Really, thank you. Alright I still need to feed them." I scratched the back of my head as I tried to rember anything I needed to do.

"Done as well Fredka. I took care of everything while you slept. All you need to do is get dressed and join me for breakfast." He said happily.

"Really? Wow. Thanks Vanya." I smiled brightly at him.

I walked up to him and kissed him. I wrapped both arms around his neck and he held my hips. The kissed quickly turned into a little make out session. I felt him push me back wards untill my back hit the wall, pinning me there. I felt a shiver of excitement down my spine at how dominating he was being. We kissed for a while untill he pulled back. I glanced at the clock and saw we didn't have much time left.

"Hurry up Alfred, we're now running lat. We need to get going." He said handing me my cloths.

"Hey. All I wanted to do was kiss you. You're the one that turned it into a little make out session, so don't blame me." I teased and hopped into the bathroom.

A few minutes latter we were walking into the dinning area for breakfast. The hotel provided a wide mix of breakfast foods such as pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, yogurt, cereal, sand much more. I looked around and saw that most of the nations were gone, probably already at the meeting being held just down the block. In the back, how ever, were Ivans sisters. I pointed them out to him and almost laughed at how his eyes lit up.

"Go spend so time with your sisters. I'll grab a muffin and meet you at the meeting. I'll be fine without you." I told him. I picked up a banana nut muffin to prove it.

"Are you sure Fredka?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. Besides, don't you want to tell them about us?" I asked.


"Then I want to be as far away from your little sister as possible." I patted his arm as I walked out. "I'll see you in a few."

"See you soon." He said over his shoulder.

The walk to the meeting room was short. After being in the country for a while I could really smell the smog of the city. The sun rise was also blocked out by the massive buildings. No stars shown in the pieces of sky that you could actually see. I let out a sigh as I looked around. I loved my cities, but I sure was looking forward to getting back to the country.

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