Day 18

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I was sitting out in the feild in front of my house, playing with the bunnies. They would hop on me and hop back off or chase each other around me. A few of the final babies for the year curled up in my lap and slept peacefully. The sky was clear, the weather nice, and not a predator in sight. So I was confused as to why they suddenly all hoped away in fear.

I turned to my left and just about jumped out of my skin. "Good lord Vanya!" I shouted as I stood. "Just stab my heart, it'll be quicker!"

"You are too easy to sneak up on lately. Imagin if your passed self saw you now?" He teased lightly.

"I'm sorry that I'm supposed to trust my boyfriend to not try to kill me via heart attack. I mean, you are only supposed to love and protect and support me." I sighed dramatically.

He rolled his eyes and looked at me with a sly smirk. "So, the Hero needs somone to protect him now, da?"

"S-shut up! I don't need anyone to protect me! I protect others!" I shouted, slightly embarrassed. I huffed and crossed my arms. "Anyway, what can I do for ya?"

"I actually need you to run into town for me. I was expecting a package for here, but I got call saying package is at local post office since they could not find this address."

"Yea, I'm pretty far out here." I agreed. "Sure, I don't see why not. I'll need you to call the post office to let them know you're sending someone. I can't just take your mail, it's considered a federal offence. Just sucks they didn't call earlier when I was already in town." I laughed cried.

"Da. I am sorry. I would get it myself, but I do not know where post office is and I do not think you want me to wast gas. Especially at these prices." He explained with a small smile.

"Yea, I get ya dude." I ran a hand through my hair being careful for Nantucket. "I'll pick it up in a few minutes. Anything else I might need to pick up while I'm up there? I really do not want to make a third trip within the next couple of days."

"Nyte. I do not think so." He shook his head.

"Alright then. I'll get my jacket and head out." I said jogging up to the house.

I didn't need the jacket since it was rather warm out. I eanted it, however, to hide my scared up arms since I was in a Batman t-shirt. I'm not ashamed of them, I just don't want peoples pity. The two new big ones where healing along just fine, but I still didn't want people staring at them or trying to avoid eye contact when they do notice them. It's not a nice feeling.

I grabbed my jacket out of the closet and the keys off the key rack. The key rack was a gift from Italy about ten years ago and is posta themed. I get in my car and two minutes latter I'm driving to town.

Time skip an hour and I'm just getting into town. The place was nice and quiet today with very little traffic. I had to drive around a little to rember exactly where the post office was. I finally found it between a flower shop and a small pet store. Can't believe I didn't see it earlier.

It is a small grey and blue building with a small flower basket hanging by the window. Iooked like it could use a new coat of paint sometime within the next couple of years. I walk in to see the place lightly decorated with a painting and a small potted plant next to the desk. Behind the counter stood a slightly old man with greying hair and a handle bar mustache.

"Hey their youngin. Don't reckon I've seen you here before." He greeted.

"No sir. I only just showed up around these parts about three weeks ago. Here on vacation in a house owned by my family. With a friend as well. He actually sent me into town to pick up a package for him." I explained to the man.

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