Day Six

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After our trip to the movies we had started to get along better and had gotten closer. We refound our common ground of our love of the stars. At night we'd sit outside in the chilly air with a thick blanket warped around us and hot coco in our hands and talk about them. Every thing from what they could be to what it would be like to travel to and explore them.

It reminded me a lot of when I was younger. He would come over to visit a lot. We would usualy talk all day and then star gaze at night. Many times I would fall asleep out in the field and wake up in my bed. I remember when I found out he loved sunflowers, but couldn't really grow them too well in Russia's cold climate. That very next spring I planted a big field of sunflowers just for him. I loved the way his whole face lit up when I showed it to him.

That was nearly three centuries ago, but I still care for that field every year. Even after he brutal ended our friendship, I still cared for it. I wanted to burn the field, but couldn't. It was a symbol of our friendship, a reminder of good times, and I couldn't bear to destroy it. I guess that I even childishly hoped that he would come back and we could play in them like we used too.

As I sit at the table eating dinner and making conversation with the larger country I couldn't help but think that it might be more of a reality now then it was seven days ago. Our conversatons have shifted from civil to friendly. The insults have taken on a more teasing tone then a hurtful one. And most importantly we haven't had a single fist fight so far.

As we sat and talked I had a small spark of hope that we might become friends again. I bit my lip as I thought of some way for us to spend a little more time together. I looked out the glass sliding door to see the forest in the setting sun. The thought of an evening walk through the woods popped into mind. It would be a nice way bond a little. Pluse a little exercise wouldn't hurt. If anything I can go on the walk on my own.

As dinner neared it's end I decided to bring the idea up. "So, how about we take a walk through the woods in a little bit?"

"Isn't it getting dark out? We could get lost." He said with a small frown.

"Yea, but I always find my way back home. Besides, the forest is prettiest at night. There's also this beautiful waterfall not too far that will be nice to see. What do you say?" I asked with a tilt of my head. I picked up the dishes to put in the washer while he thought.

"If you know your way around the area, then it wouldn't hurt to go for walk." He finaly said.

I grinned and told him to meet me by the back door in ten minutes. I ran up the stairs to my room. First thing I did was lock myself in my bathroom. I puked up dinner and cleaned up. I thought I heard something by my bedroom door, but I ignored it.

I cleaned up and walked into my room. I grabbed a bag to pack a few things into. I pulled out a flash light from my nightstand, along with some bright yellow yarn. Next I grabbed a pocket knife from on top of my dresser. This was to mostly be used in an emergency. I walked down stairs and into the kitchen. Form there I grabbed four watter bottles and half a dozen granola bars.

I heard Russia walk into the room. "You ready to go big guy?" I asked him.

"Da. I have question though."


"When I walked by your room I thought I heard you puking. Where you?"

My heart stopped for a second and I nearly panicked. I managed to keep my cool though. "Oh, yea, I was. I think I upset my stomach by running up those stairs so quickly after I just ate."

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned.

I was surprised by that, and a little pleased. "Yea, I'm fine."

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