Chapter 9. Santized

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Agent—-#]^[={{# P.O.V
I woke up in one of those giant tubes in a science lab (I forgot what it was called) I couldn't remember a thing I tried looking for my scattered memories but it was all of blur. "Ägęńt 4 įś ręàdy før sanitization"robotic glitchy voice said from a distance the test tube filled up with this turquoise goo. I woke up out of tube and stared into the mirror My skin color changed but it seemed normal to me. My thoughts were not my own. But I let myself go. (I'm too lazy to the glitchy voice thingy again) "hey you,you have your first mission to capture that traitor they call 8" the same robotic voice called out. "Fine with me" I said my voice once again not my own. Grabbed the weapon near
me and walked out of the memories gone. Just like me.

I really need to make my chapters longer lol but don't worry I'll make up for it in the next chapter I hope.

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