9: Why The Drama

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(Percy's POV)

Clock: 7:00. Time school starts: 7:10. Me: Still in bed. Great.

My cousins were spamming  my phone with "where are you??" and "dude you're gonna be late" and more colorful phrases from Nico and Thalia. For example:

Sparky: dude you're gonna be late


Miss Metal Detector: where are you??


Wise Girl: Perseus Achilles Jackson, I swear. Where are you??


Beauty Queen: I thought we were meeting up at the cafeteria?


Death Breath: I ***** swear Perseus, where the **** are you?? Everyone is so *******  worried, you said you'd meet up with us and you're not answering your phone you ******* ****.


Pinecone Face: ******** *** ***** **** ******!!!!!


Cal: omgs, I'm not even surprised. Just get your butt to school, *******.

I had to censor a few of those. My friends are super  PG.

I sped to my car and realized my car had been on all night. So, my car's basically dead, has barely any gas, and I have five minutes to get to school on time. Yay.

I probably drove, like, 200 miles beyond the speed limit, I have no idea what I was thinking. What would I even say if I got pulled over? "Hey, sorry, copper. But my alarm didn't go off and I'm so irresponsible that nothing is working for me. Want a donut?"

Speaking of donuts, I should've checked on Blackjack yesterday after school. I'll have to check after school today.

I managed to park, maybe a little slanted, and sped into school. I managed to get into class two minutes after the bell. I took my place next to Annabeth.

Good thing this is Paul's class.

Paul just rolled his eyes at me and shook his head. He continued his lesson on To Kill a Mockingbird.

"Where were you?" Annabeth whispered. "We were going to meet up in the cafeteria!"

"I know," I whispered back, "but my alarm went off literally ten minutes ago."

"Did it go off ten minutes ago, or did you sleep through it?" she crossed her arms.

"How did you-"

"You're an idiot. It's pretty easy."


"Percy, Annabeth, would you stop flirting and pay attention?" Paul smirked. I flushed red, and I think Annabeth did too.

I saw Jason laugh out of the corner of my eye. I threw a pencil at him.

What? He deserved it. Maybe the pencil will knock some sense into him and he'll finally ask out Piper.

Speaking of dating, Calypso and Leo went on another date recently. I think something happened, but they refuse to talk about it. They still argue regularly, which makes this hunt difficult.


I sat at our rather crammed lunch table, and I could sense something was stirring. Piper was sitting at our table again, but only next to Leo. Calypso was sitting next to Leo, too, but was looking kinda angry at Piper. Nico was talking to Will, which was a first. Annabeth was sitting on my left, Jason on my right, and he was eyeing Leo weirdly.

"Okay, everyone stop talking for a sec!" Thalia shut up our table. "Are we not going to address the  elephant in the room?"

"What do you mean?" Frank asked.

"There are, like, five," Thalia answered. "There's the Leo and Calypso date, the reason Leo and Piper haven't been sitting with us, why Percy missed the meet-up this morning, and people liking each other and not doing anything about it! All of which we know nothing  about."

The lunch table was silent for a second. I guess everyone realized that we've been distant recently.

"Which should we address first?" Thalia crossed her arms.

"Leo, I swear-"

"We gotta tell 'em."

"Leo, please don't."

"Sorry Sunshine. I don't love this plan either."

Leo cleared his throat and looked at us. He pulled up his and Calypso's sleeves. The letters L.V. were carved into Calypso's tattoo, and the letters C.N. in Leo's.

"Hold up, you guys are soulmates ?!" Piper screeched. "Why wouldn't you tell me? You guys are supposed to be my two best friends."

"We promised not to tell," Calypso said awkwardly. "We didn't want a bunch of drama. 'Course, that's what we got by hiding it..."

"What else hasn't someone told us?" Katie crossed her arms.

"How about this: Drew Tanaka is my half-sister," Piper scowled.

"What?!" the table yelled, except for Leo.

"Exactly. I never told you she wasn't. So I never technically lied about it. But you guys trash-talk her all the time. That's why I haven't been sitting with you. Leo was the only person who knew. Even the guy I freaking like trash-talks her!" Piper ranted.

"You like someone?" Jason asked. The girls looked at each other.

"None of your business, idiot," Reyna scowled. "Can't you see she's angry?"

"Well, I'd like to know. She's like my best friend!" Jason defended.

"Ugh!" Piper stood up and ran away, and I heard her crying. Jason looked confused, but the girls (and Leo) looked angry.

"What'd I do?" Jason asked.

"You just freaking friend-zoned her, idiot! I thought you had a crush on her?" Leo demanded.

"Hold on! Jason has a crush on Piper?" Rachel asked. "My ships are fricking sailing!"

"What the frick do you mean?" Nico asked. Oh man, I might have to start censoring.

"Piper has a ******* crush on Jason!" Annabeth yelled. There's the censor.

Jason's eyes kinda space out for a second. "Wait, what?"

"****," Clarisse cursed. "Nice goin', Princess."

"Shut up, Clarisse!" Annabeth exclaimed. "Someone needs to go find Piper!"

"I'll go," Leo volunteered.

"Wait, Leo!" Calypso chased after him. Without a word, Jason followed.

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