26: That Night

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i wrote this before anyone responded to my post, so this is a solangelo development + reynico friendship chap :)

lasT timE:

Hazel and Frank went on a date and it was adorable not to flatter myself or anything

thiS timE:

We get a flashback at what happened "that night" to Will and Nico

i'm so sorry for all of this waiting, my life is just crazy yall

! illegal/underage drinking and smoking !


about two months before the present...

Nico probably wanted about anything  else other than to be at a party.

He barely wanted to hang out with his own friends sometimes, much less a bunch of random kids he's maybe met once in the seventh grade. Nico was planning to either stick to Jason's side the entire time or hide in the car until it was over.

The entire gang didn't go. Hazel was Hazel, so of course she got out of it. Connor and Travis had a track meet or something, Clarisse had something to do with her brother Sherman, Piper was sick, and Rachel had a school project. That left Percy, Annabeth, Will, Jason, Leo, Frank, Calypso, Reyna, Thalia, and of course, Nico.

Annabeth and Reyna were in the same boat as he was. All were dragged here by Percy and Leo, and all were pretty antisocial with people other than the respective group. Which was unreasonably big anyway.

The three forced themselves into a corner by some couches to avoid everyone. Some random (super  heterosexual) couple were aggressively making out on one of the love seats. Nico saw Reyna wrinkle her nose at the sight, and he didn't blame her.

There were a circle of kids passing around a joint and singing, high out of their minds. He could practically hear Annabeth's eye roll. She and Nico were sharing a pair of earbuds with nostalgic music playing, turned all the way up to drown out the trashy EDM blasting in the house. 

Annabeth was glaring at the wall, arms crossed, all the weight on one leg. Reyna was leaning against the wall, head leaned farthest back as she braided and re-braided her hair. Nico, however, just stood there, shuffling his feet.

"How long have we been here?" Reyna deadpanned. Annabeth sighed.

"About two hours and thirty-four minutes," she said, seemingly doing the math in her head. "It's only ten pm."

Nico finally realized that Annabeth hadn't been glaring at the wall. Instead, she was staring at some random girl who had been talking to Percy. The girl never seemed to look back at Annabeth for more than a split second, but if she did, she'd probably be scared out of her mind.

Thalia walked over to the three, two shot glasses in her hands. "I haven't seen you guys all night," she said simply, downing one of the glasses.

"Thalia! You're drinking?" Annabeth asked.

Thalia only shrugged. "I've drank before. Don't look at me like I'm a lightweight."

"You've done this before?"

"My dad's an alcoholic," she shrugged nonchalantly, as if it's the most regular thing in the world. Thalia handed a shot glass to Reyna, who knocked it down as if it were juice. Annabeth stared at her, too, incredulously.

"What?" Reyna asked, handing the glass back to Thalia. "Just because I'm quiet doesn't make me boring. It just makes me observant."

Annabeth had to laugh, turning around to glare at that girl again. Nico really just wanted to shove her over to Percy. Maybe they could dance or something. The two pined so desperately over each other that it irritated Nico.

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