Chapter 2

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Al groaned as she feels her head pounding. She realise that she is in a unfamiliar spacious room with only a grand piano in it. She tried moving her hand but to no avail, she was tied to a chair. Al notices that the window shows nothing but clouds. If she didn't know better, she wouldn't know that shes in a very high place. Al leaned back to the chair and let out a big sigh. 

Its happening again.

"She's at the studio? Why would you bring her here?! I thought you know what to do, Johnny." Taeyong snapped as he walk inside their penthouse.

"Yeaaah about that..  I just thought you might wanted to see her first." Johnny shrugged.

Taeyong closed. Not wanting to talk anymore further with him as he open the studio door and walk to the girl.

Al sighed as she hears the door opened and look uninterestedly to the two man walking towards her. Al eyes the man in front then her eyes trailed at the man whom she saw at her condo entrance.

"Great. God hates me."

"You saw something you shouldn't have miss." Taeyong said in finality.

"Well its not exactly my fault." Al replied back annoyed with the tightness of the rope around her wrist.

Taeyong paused as he watched the girl behavior.

"Its not exactly our fault either that you're here, ya kno" Johnny shrugged.

"What do you want from me?" Al asked staring boldly at Taeyong dark brown eyes.

"The thing you saw yesterday was suppose to be witness-free." Taeyong replied while looking at Johnny.

"So you are now our captive and if you dont want to, well you die." Johnny added nonchalantly. Taeyong shake his head slowly.

Al was lost for words. Her day couldn't get any worser than this.


"Trust me babe, things happen at the wrong place and at a wrong time. And you honey, just got to be in the baddest luck but in this case... consider yourself lucky!" Johnny patted her head.

"Since we are going to live together forever and ever, whats your name missy?" Johnny looked at her expectantly.

"Aluna. and I did not say that I want to be your captive."

Taeyong phone rings and he stepped out of the room. "I need you to get information about this girl. She seems oddly familiar."

Al was baffled but the weird feeling is nowhere gone. She could not express her feelings at all. Her hands starting to feel numb as she trying to break free from the rope. The feeling that she hated the most. Al halted as the door opened. 

"Trying something?" Mark asked setting a tray of food on the piano. 

"I would like it if you kill me now." Al started while looking at the food. I wonder if its poisoned.

"Um, thats not exactly my decision to do.. well I brought you food. Try to eat it ok? Hyung hates it when people dont eat his food." Mark scratched his head. 

Al stare at Mark for a brief second making him feel... small? Before saying "Do captives have to eat like a effin animal?

Mark was confused until he saw her hands. "Ah right-right. Im sorry" he said before untying her hands. 

"Sigh Im sorry. If i hadn't walk into you guys at the alleyway, this wont happen" Al says soothing her wrist.

Mark yet again was taken back from this girl behavior.

"Whats your name?" Al started as she take a bite from the food.  

"Wait you dont know me?" Mark asked weirdly.

"Am i suppose to?" Al replied without looking at him.

"We kinda go to the same University.." Mark said while taking a seat at the piano, facing her. 

Al stopped eating and faced Mark. "You do know that you guys kidnapped me right? Stop talking to me." unused to the friendliness.

"Its Mark btw. Mark Lee" he said before stepping out of the room.

Al has given the freedom to roam around the studio. Which have nothing but a grand piano and a bathroom plus a little area for her to sleep. O' Boy. She sure feels like some kind of an exotic animal. 

"Why do you want to die so badly." Taeyong said as a statement. "Why hasnt anyone try to find you yet?"

"Sighh. No one cares. Arent you listening. You told me that I have two choices. Whether be your captive or die. I rather die." Al stares blankly out of the window.

He shakes his head and let himself out of the room.

The girl has been the same throughout the time. Always distant and uninterested. Even when they tried to threaten her or hurt her, she seems lack of emotion.

"She's a weird one. I mean, girls would usually cry or scream for help but I never see her do any of that. Did i tell you that her eyes are as if looking through my soul." Lucas said to his friend.

"Probably because she knows what has shes gotten into." Yuta shrugged.

"This is the first time hyung holding a person in hostage, let alone let a girl live after a visit exposed to outsiders." Mark stated.

"Lets just keep this from Father if you want to let her live." Johnny sighed. 

They have gathered at the main area of the penthouse, discussing about the girl they abducted.

"She's at it again. I'm starting to like it." Kun grinned.

The sound of the piano fill the room with soothing yet sorrow melody. Every evening, Al would play the piano as if she is interpreting her feelings through the piano.

"I just don't understand why is there no information about her..." Jaehyun sighs.

Taeyong eyebrows furrowed. He dont understand it either. It is as if she never existed. No family background, relatives.

Nada. Nothing.

Wow you made it to chapter 2. ROUND OF APPLAUSE. now Everybody say THANKYOU READER. Love love love oh and have you hate her yet?

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