Chapter 24

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"Aluna? Is there a problem?" Taeyong asked as he stood in front of them. The man cleared his throat.

"Shes fine, young man. Excuse us please."

Nct's Table
"Oh my god-" Mark laughed uncontrollably slapping Lucas's shoulder in the process who was also laughing.

"I never see someone so arrogantly stupid before, this is too much." Ten sips on his tea.

"Okay gents, choose one.. arms, fingers or .....groin." Johnny chided and Jaehyun facepalmed.

"Arm. No doubt, easy money." Yuta quipped.

"I would like to leave the chatroom. Thankyou very much." Kun said sighing.

"What the fuck?" Al pulled back from him but the man pulled her back, placing his hand on her bottoms. Al was about to react when Taeyong close their distance swiftly.


The man scream was muffled as the crowd was cheering on Yangyang stepping on the stage with a famous idol group at the moment.

"Ive been good friends with them for a long time and I kinda want to boast about it here. Give it up for EXO!" Yangyang winked.

"Yangyang to the rescue. I STAN!" Ten cheered loudly clearly having too much fun with the incident.

EXO's latest song played in the hall living up the mood of the party. The music fills the air as the crowd cheered on.

~'Dont messed up my Tempo'~

"Y-you-! My arm!"

"Tell anyone about this," Taeyong grip on the man's now dislocated arm and pulled it backwards.

"I will make sure to sell your limbs to the dark market." Taeyong said as he break one of the man's finger.

The man screamed again but Taeyong's men had stepped in knocking him out on time. They dragged him out naturally without looking suspicious.

Just a man having too much drink.

"I guess you beat me to it."

"Thankyou for being here but I was thinking of only breaking his fingers..but you dislocated his arm instead."Al said looking at him happily.

"Your welcome?"Taeyong scratched his head, realizing what he had done in public and Al is awfully happy about it.

"When did you arrived?" She said linking her arm with his as they walked to NCT's table.

"You seemed to have too much fun about this, Aluna." Taeyong sighed.

"I like EXO oppas."

"Whatever you say." Taeyong chuckled and Al just grinned at him.

"Awww." Mark, Lucas, Ten, Yuta and Johnny put their hands together as the couple arrived.

"Hi to you too dorks." Al sat down beside Jaehyun leaning her head on his shoulder. He smiled at her.

"Quite a scene you pulled there. Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Al shrugged as she took Ten's tea before making a face.

"Ew Ten."

"That is tea and it is a perfect drink at the moment."

"I won the bet, boys! Good money." Yuta held out his hand.

Johnny, Lucas, Mark and Ten gave their money to Yuta, who is showing his teeth smile.

"What bet?" Taeyong asked questioningly.

"We bet on what part of that man will be injured, arm, fingers or his private part and Yuta got it right. He bet on arms." Johnny snickered.

"Oh, Taeyong broke that guy's finger too though."Al said stealing Mark's fruit plate.

"Damn, son."
"Thats our leader! I am so proud of you."
"Man, I should have bet on fingers too. I thought Al would kick his d."

"Kun has left the chatroom" Kun groaned.

"Are you going to pretend that youre dead on my sofa until mother comes in or what?" Yangyang throws a paper at his supposedly dead sister playfully.

"So can I go now?" Al raised her head looking at her younger brother expectantly.

He paused briefly pretending to think.

"Nope. I promised her to keep you here until I finish reviewing this ....thing."

Al stood up lazily, peering on what Yang was doing.

"You should make this bigger, if its too small people will lose interest."

Yangyang nodded as he writing it down, flipping through the pages.


"What now kid?"

"I forgot I have to take.. these pen to uhh to my new employees as a present because I am such a good boss, why dont you do this for me yeah?" Yang stood up taking bunch of stationery and bolted through the door leaving grim faced Aluna.

"Hey siri, remind me to whack my brother when I see him."

Unplanned Meeting II Lee TaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now