Chapter 4 - I can't think of a decent title

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Dedicated to MsKnowItAll2
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The headed into the hallway, and Hermione started towards the stairs, but Ron flung out a hand to stop her
“Hold it!” he hissed “They’re still in the hall, we might be able to hear something”
They leaned over the banisters. Even more witches and wizards than were there at Hermione's first day here were crowded in the ground floor. On the floor above, Fred was lowering an Extendable Ear past Hermione's head towards the ground floor. But before they could hear anything, the members of Order headed for the front door
“Damnit,” Fred whispered, yanking the Extendable Ear back into his hand
“Snape never eats here” Ron told Harry as the door shut “Thank God. C’mon”
“And don’t forget to keep your voice down in the hall, Harry” Hermione added

Lupin, Tonks and Mrs Weasley were sealing the many locks onthe front door
“We’re eating down in the kitchen” said Mrs. Weasley “Harry, dear, if you’ll just tiptoe across the hall, it’s through this door here -”
“Tonks!” sighed Mrs. Weasley, turning to Tonks, who was lying in a heap on the floor
“I’m sorry!” she cried “It’s that stupid umbrella stand, that’s the second time I’ve tripped over-”
Her words were drowned out by screeching, as all the portraits woke up. Harry coved his ears and stared at Mrs Black's portrait, which Mrs Weasley and Lupin were trying to shut the curtains of
Filth! Scum!" she shrieked "By-products of dirt and vileness! Half-breeds, mutants, freaks, begone from this place! How dare you befoul the house of my fathers-
Mrs Weasley abandoned her curtain and stunned the other, smaller portraits with her wand. Sirius appeared from the lounge
“Shut up, you horrible old hag, shut UP!” he yelled, taking Mrs Weasley's curtain
Yoooou!” Mrs Black roared “Blood traitor, abomination, shame of my flesh!
“I said - shut - UP!” yelled Sirius and, finally, he and Lupin were able to shut the curtains

Sirius sighed and turned to Harry
“Hello, Harry” he said “I see you’ve met my mother”
“My dear old mum, yeah” said Sirius “We’ve been trying to get her down for a month but we think she put a Permanent Sticking Charm on the back of the canvas. Let’s get downstairs, quick, before they all wake up again”
“But what’s a portrait of your mother doing here?” Harry asked, heading down the stairs with Sirius, Hermione behind them
“Hasn’t anyone told you? This was my parents’ house” said Sirius “But I’m the last Black left, so it’s mine now. I offered it to Dumbledore for Headquarters - about the only useful thing I’ve been able to do”

In the kitchen they found Mr Weasley and Bill, talking quietly over what looked like floor plans. Mrs Weasley cleared her throat, and they both jumped
“Harry!” said Mr. Weasley “Good to see you!”
Bill quickly rolled up the plans before Hermione could get a good look at them
“Journey all right, Harry?” he asked “Mad-Eye didn’t make you come via Greenland, then?”
“He tried” said Tonks, going over to Bill and knocking a candle over, setting the plans ablaze “Oh no - sorry -"
Behind her, Lupin, who had just come down, smiled at her
“Here, dear” said Mrs. Weasley, fixing them with a wave of her hand
Harry tried to look at them, but Mrs Weasley noticed and gathered them all into an impossible to read pile
“This sort of thing ought to be cleared away promptly at the end of meetings” she said, heading over to a cabinet and taking out plates
Evanesco!” said Bill, and the plans vanished
Harry looked impressed
"I still think Harry has a crush on Bill" Ginny whispered
Hermione snorted

“Sit down, Harry” said Sirius “You’ve met Mundungus, haven’t you?”
Hermione turned and jumped. Mundungus was sitting at one of the seats, burried under mounds of rags, fast asleep. He woke up at the sound of his name and blinked groggily
‘Some’n say m’name?’ he mumbled “I ‘gree with Sirius…”
He raised his hand, as if voting. Ginny laughed
“The meeting’s over, Dung” said Sirius as they all sat down “Harry’s arrived”
“Eh?” said Mundungus  “Blimey, so ‘e ‘as. Yeah… you all right, ‘Arry?”
“Yeah” said Harry awkwardly
Mundungus fumbled in his pocket before pulling out a pipe and lighting it
“Owe you a ‘pology” he said, as smoke billowed out of the end of it
“For the last time, Mundungus” snapped Mrs. Weasley, “will you please not smoke that thing in the kitchen, especially not when we’re about to eat!”
“Ah” said Mundungus “Right. Sorry, Molly”

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