Chapter 1 - Number 12, Grimmauld Place

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Hermione has always known that she hated flying. This, she decided, as she held onto her friend's ribs hard enough to break them, just proved it
"How are you enjoying this?" she roared over the wind at Ginny Weasley, who was whooping with glee as they soared over the clouds on her broomstick
"How aren't you enjoying this?" Ginny yelled back "Haha! Honestly, Hermione, live a little!"
"It's a bit hard to do that when I'm probably going to fall to my death in the next few minutes!"
"Honestly, Hermione, stop being so dramatic!"
"I'm not. I'm being realistic"
Ginny burst out laughing


The day before, Hermione had received a letter from Ronald Weasley, one of her best friends, saying that they were coming to take her to "Headquarters", and to get packed up as soon as possible. He hadn't specified a time, though Hermione wasn't really that surprised. Both him and Harry, her other best friend, could be a bit incompetent sometimes. He had just said "tomorrow", so she had packed up her stuff, and gone to bed assuming that she would see him the next day

That was, until the front door had slammed open without explanation at one o' clock in the morning. Her parents had immediately leapt out of bed and ran downstairs to find two fully grown wizards in their hallway, accompanied by Ginny and Ron Weasley
"Where's Hermione?" came Ginny's voice
"Uh..." said Hermione's dad slowly "she's in bed, assume"

There was the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs, and the door the Hermione's bedroom flung open
"Hermione!" Ron said brightly
"Ron!" Hermione exclaimed, sitting up and pulling the covers over herself
"Ron! You don't just barge into a girls bedroom like that!" Ginny cried from behind him. Ron went red and mumbled an apology "Good! Now get out and let her get changed!"
Ron left, still red in the face. Ginny, who was leaning against the doorframe, grinned
"I see in the week apart he hasn't learnt any tact" said Hermione
"Unfortunately not" said Ginny "I have tried to teach him but... well, you know what he's like"
Hermione grinned back, and Ginny shut the door behind her to let Hermione get changed

Hermione flung on a clean shirt and jeans as fast as she could and let them back inside. She realised too late that she hadn't done anything with her impossibly bushy hair, but neither of them seemed to mind
"So, this is your room" said Ginny, scanning the room "I thought there'd be more books"
"They're all in there" said Hermione, gestering to her trunk
Ginny sighed
"I should've known" she said, giving Hermione a hug
"Erm... hi, Hermione" said Ron, still a bit red
"Hi, Ron" said Hermione, giving him a hug and feeling even more self conscious about her stupid hair

"So this is what a Muggle bedroom look like, is it?"
Hermione jumped away from Ron. A young woman had just walked into her room unannounced. She had a pale, heart shaped face and short, spiky bright pink hair. Ron and Ginny didn't seemed surprised by her presence, so she wasn't a intruder
"Uh..." said Hermione
"Oh, yes, sorry Hermione" said Ron "Tonks, meet Hermione. Hermione, this is Nym-" the woman gave her a look "sorry. Hermione, this is Tonks"
"Wotcher, Hermione" said Tonks, grinning at her in a way that reminded her of Fred and George
"Um, hi" Hermione mumbled. She'd never enjoyed meeting new people

"Remus said to get your trunk and stuff" explained Tonks
Hermione handed over her trunk and Crookshanks's wicker basket to Tonks, who left and headed downstairs
"What were you going to call her?" asked Hermione
"Tonks goes by her surname" explained Ginny "she doesn't like her first name"
"Well, it is really weird" said Ron
"Ron!" said Ginny reproachfully
"Well it is!" said Ron "Who in their right mind calls their daughter Nymphadora?"
"Thank you!" called Tonks from downstairs "You see, Remus? They think it's stupid"
"Is there someone else down there?" asked Hermione, just as, downstairs, a man said, "I don't think it's that bad"
Hermione blinked. She recognised that voice
"Was that Professor-?" she started
"Yup!" said Ginny, grinning at her

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