Chapter 5 - The Family Tree

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Mrs Weasley followed them as they climbed the stairs
"I want you all to go straight to bed, no talking" she said "we've got a busy day tomorrow. I expect Ginny's asleep" she added to Hermione "so try not to wake her up"
Hermione said goodnight and went upstairs, trying not to smile

Ginny, surprisingly enough, wasn't asleep, and within seconds of Hermione entering the room and locking the door was demanding her to tell her everything
"It was mainly the stuff we already knew" said Hermione "They're trying to tell the public the truth, You-Know-Who is recruiting followers etc"
"But...?" Ginny prompted eagerly
"But" said Hermione, rolling her eyes "Sirius let something slip right at the end..."
She went through everything that Sirius and Lupin had said

"So" she said after she was done "What do you think that could mean?"
"Because Harry was right" said Hermione "He already has the Killing Curse, so what else does he need?"
"Maybe a particularly painful way of killing?" suggested Ginny
"Nah, he's already got the Cruciatus Curse for pain" said Hermione, and winced
If she had told herself from a year ago that she'd be discussing these kinds of things-
"Okay, Okay" said Ginny "What about... a way of killing multiple people at once? 'Cause he wouldn't have that, would he?"
She gave Hermione a triumphant grin, and Hermione shook her head. She opened her mouth to reply, but before she could, they heard footsteps coming up the stairs
"Mum" said Ginny, and without another word they jumped into their respective beds and pretended to be asleep


They did indeed, as Mrs Weasley had suggested the previous night, tackle the curtains infested with Doxys, small, black, winged creatured with venomous bites. It took all morning, and by the time they were done, they were exhausted
"I think we'll tackle those after lunch" said Mrs. Weasley, pointing to a drawing cabinet in the corner of the room, which seemed to be topped with all manner of dark objects

The doorbell rang, setting off Mrs Black
"Stay here" Mrs Weasley ordered "I'll bring up some sandwiches"
It was comical, really, how quickly they ran to the window after Mrs Weasley left the room. On the doorstep, a short, ginger figure was carrying a tower of cauldrons
"Mundungus!" said Hermione "What's he brought all those cauldrons for?"
"Probably looking for a safe place to keep them" said Harry "Isn't that what he was doing the night he was supposed to be tailing me? Picking up dodgy cauldrons?"
"Yeah, you're right!" said Fred "Blimey, Mum won't like that..."

Mundungus went inside, taking the cauldrons with him. Mrs Black's screaming had stopped. Fred and George headed for the door and frowned in concentration, trying to listen
"Mundungus is talking to Sirius and Kingsley" said Fred "Can't hear properly... d'you reckon we can risk the Extendable Ears?"
"Might be worth it" George muttered "I could sneak up stairs and get a pair-"

Extendable Ears, however, were deemed utterly useless by the group as, a moment later, Mrs Weasley started roaring
"I love hearing Mum shouting at someone else" said Fred, grinning and opening the door slightly "it makes such a nice change."
"The idiots are letting her get into her stride" said George, smiling as well "You've got to head her off early otherwise she builds up a head of steam and goes on for hours. And she's been dying to have a go at Mundungus ever since he sneaked off when he was supposed to be following you, Harry - and there goes Sirius's mum again"

George made to shut the door to stifle the noise but before he could, Kreacher wandered in, still muttering under his breath
"...smells like a drain and a criminal to boot, but she's no better, nasty old blood traitor with her brats messing up my mistress's house, oh, my poor mistress, if she knew, if she knew the scum they've let into her house, what would she say to old Kreacher, oh, the shame of it, Mudbloods and werewolves and traitors and thieves, poor old Kreacher, what can he do..."
"Hello, Kreacher" said Fred loudly, shutting the door
Kreacher jumped
"Kreacher did not see young master" he said, bowing to Fred "Nasty little brat of a blood traitor it is"
"Sorry?" said George "Didn't catch that last bit"
"Kreacher said nothing" said the elf, bowing to George as well "and there's its twin, unnatural little beasts they are"

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