Chapter 27 - Winging It

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Dedicated to thegirlwhosleeping
Thanks for all the votes :)

Hermione had never been very good at ad-libbing. So she was quite pleased with herself when Umbridge followed her with no questions asked. Of course, she hadn't really got much of a plan beyond getting Umbridge from hurting Harry. She just knew that there were one group of... creatures that might hate Umbridge just as much as they did. Finding them might be a problem, though...

Harry was smart enough not to talk as Hermione led them down the stairs. If he had said anything, it might have been obvious that he was just as clueless as Umbridge. She led them out of the large oak doors and out onto the grounds
"It's hidden in Hagrid's hut, is it?" asked Umbridge
"Of course not," said Hermione, as if that were a stupid suggestion "Hagrid might have set it off accidentally"
"Yes" said Umbridge "Yes, he would have done, of course, the great half-breed oaf"
She laughed. With her back turned, Hermione scowled

"Then... where is it?" asked Umbridge, apprehension dawning in her voice as they headed closer to the Forest
"In there, of course," said Hermione, pointing at the trees "It had to be somewhere that students weren't going to find it accidentally, didn't it?"
"Of course" said Umbridge, sounding nervous "Of course... very well, then... you two stay ahead of me."
"Can we have your wand, then, if we're going first?" Harry asked her
"No, I don't think so, Mr. Potter" said Umbridge "The Ministry places a rather higher value on my life than yours, I'm afraid"
Hermione threw Umbridge a dirty look, before heading into the Forest

She made a point of making as much noise as possible. It wasn't very difficult - Umbridge, with her short legs, was struggling to keep up, and kept tripping into brambles and yelping
"Is it very far in?" she asked, tearing her robes again
"Oh yes" said Hermione "yes, it's well hidden"
They reached a sort of crossroads that they had passed on the way to meet Grawp. Hermione went the other way - if she got the giant involved, it would be carnage
Harry had clearly thought that that was the plan, as he asked pointedly, "Er - are you sure this is the right way?"
"Oh yes" she said firmly, before calling loudly over her shoulder "It's a bit further in!"
"Hermione, keep your voice down" Harry hissed "Anything could be listening in here-"
"I want us heard" she hissed back "You'll see..."

The Forest got darker as the trees got closer together. It was clear that Umbridge was getting tired. Her eagerness for evidence against Dumbledore was fading, being replaced by annoyance
"How much further?" she demanded
"Not far now!" Hermione practically shouted, as they went into a dark clearing "Just a little bit-"
An arrow whooshed over her head, imbedding itself in the tree behind her. She jumped

The sound of hooves suddenly filled the air. Umbridge screamed. They were surrounded by at least fifty different centaurs, each with their bows drawn. They were backed into the clearing, Umbridge whimpering lime a scared puppy
"Who are you?"
Hermione looked right. Magorian had pushed in front if the circle. His bow, too, was drawn. Umbridge pointed her wand at him. Magorian didn't seem to care
"I asked you who are you, human" he asked
"I am Dolores Umbridge!" Umbridge squeaked "Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic and Headmistress and High Inquisitor of Hogwarts!"
"You are from the Ministry of Magic?" said Magorian
Several of the centaurs shifted angrily
"That's right!" said Umbridge shrilly "so be very careful! By the laws laid down by the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, any attack by half-breeds such as yourselves on a human-"
"What did you call us?" roared a black centaur Hermione recognised as Bane
The centaurs started muttering. Bowstrings were being drawn back
"Don't call them that!" Hermione snapped
Umbridge ignored her. She went on, "Law Fifteen 'B' states clearly that 'any attack by a magical creature who is deemed to have near-human intelligence, and therefore considered responsible for its actions'-"
"'Near-human intelligence'?" saud Magorian, and Bane and several others roared with rage "We consider that a great insult, human! Our intelligence, thankfully, far outstrips your own"

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