Chapter 19 - This Story can Somehow go Darker

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"He's been what?"
"He's at St Mungos right now" said Professor McGonagall "Get changed, Hermione, and I'll take you to the Headmasters office"
So she did. Ginny wasn't in her bed - was she already at the hospital? She got changed as quickly as possible and left with Professor McGonagall. She walked so fast to Dumbledore's office that Hermione had to run to keep up

Dumbledore was already there when they arrived. She couldn't ever recall him looking tired before, but he did now
"Ah. Miss Granger" he said as he spotted them "I'm sure you have a lot of-"
"What's happened to Mr Weasley?" Hermione asked "Where's Ginny? What-"
"Miss Weasley was sent to Grimmauld Place after we heard of the attack" said Dumbledore wearily "along with her brothers and Harry"
"Harry? Why Harry?" Why not me?
"Harry was the one to witness the attack" explained Professor McGonagall
"What? Why was Harry- Was Mr Weasley here?"

"I'm sure your friends will explain when you arrive" said Dumbledore
"You'll be going to Grimmauld Place as well. We shall have to wait until term officially ends, though, as-"
"Hem hem"
Umbridge had arrived, looking thunderous
"Dumbledore" she said sharply "Is it true that five students escaped the school in the night last night, without my permission? Including Mr Potter?"
"It's Professor Dumbledore, Dolores" said Dumbledore coolly "And I wasn't aware that I had to ask your permission"
"You were behind this?" said Umbridge shrilly "Might I remind you, Dumbledore, that as Hogwarts High Inquisitor-"
"Might I remind you, Dolores, that as Headmaster I have juristiction over my students. Arthur Weasley has been attacked, and his children needed to see him in hospital"
"Dumbledore-" Umbridge spluttered
"Miss Granger, you might want to be packing now?" Dumbledore suggested "Professor McGonagall will accompany you to London when term ends"
Hermione nodded
"Now, girl, just you wait-" Umbridge started
Hermione left


Dear Mum and Dad,
Hi. I don't have anymore news since my last letter. Things have been very quiet around here.
I'm still sorry that I can't go with you skiing this holidays. I'm sorry for the short notice, but homework had really been piling up. I don't think our teachers expect us to have any free time at all. I hope you understand - it is O.W.L. year, and I want to do well
Love you both,

She watched the owl fly away with her letter. She sighed and picked up her trunk
"Crookshanks, get down from there" she said, and the cat slunk away from the nest

She and Professor McGonagall got to Grimmauld Place via the Knight Bus. It turned out to be just as unpleasant as Harry had made it sound. With a bang and several more bruises, she arrived at Grimmauld Place. The purple bus disappeared as she stepped out, taking Professor McGonagall. Number 12 faded into existence, and she knocked on the door. Mrs Weasley answered
"Hello, Hermione, dear" she smiled
"Is Mr Weasley okay?" said Hermione "Dumbledore wouldn't tell me anything"
"Yes, the healers say that he'll be fine" said Mrs Weasley - Hermione sighed "Ginny will be glad to see you. I think she's been getting bored"

Ginny appeared at the foot of the stairs. Hermione smiled
"Hey Hermione"
Ginny grabbed her by the wrist and half led, half dragged her upstairs into their room. Ron was there too
"We need to talk" said Ginny
"Yeah, no kidding" said Hermione "Where's Harry?"
Ginny and Ron exchanged a look
"That's kinda what we need to talk about" said Ron
"Harry hasn't been talking to us"
"When dad was, you know, attacked" said Ron "Harry saw it all happen. You-Know-Who has this ginormous snake, did you know? It was what attacked dad. And Harry - I think he was dreaming - he said it was like he was in the snakes head. He was watching from the snakes point of view"
"And then when we went to see dad in the hospital, we eavesdropped on the adults talking" said Ginny "And they thought that Harry might have been possessed"
"We have barely seen him since" said Ron

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