Chapter 06

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With Br. Billy's words fresh in mind about forcing myself to not like the guy, I find myself gulping down a pill with some water because who is he to tell me what I can and can't do!

I grab my phone and open WhatsApp to send a quick message to Dave, Sau and I's group.

"Sau, I'm so sorry. I can't hang out with you today. Sorry, Dave"

Maybe it's stubbornness, but I just refuse to do whatever he wants. Who the hell does he think he is? Wait! He, also, said don't tell Dave about Milo! I hesitate for a minute then I write another message to Sau and Dave.

"Guys, sorry for the previous message. I will hang out today. Waiting for you at 2:00 pm at Stephaney's Burgers."

Maybe they think I'm crazy now. Whatever. I'm still not going to do whatever this person wants.

So, now, I have a list of instructions that I want to go against and two hours to waste. What should I do? My eyes, while thinking of anything to waste my time on, falls on the notebook and it's like I'm, suddenly, reminded that I need to "text" him back. I take it and start to think about what to write him.

A message started materializing in front of my eyes and I begin writing, "It's none of your business, okay? And stop watching me. This is the last time I'll tell you that. Secondly, I will be doing things I'm pretty sure that you will get mad at me for. Just a heads up."

Satisfied with my message and still have two hours to waste, I decide to clean my room since it's 12:17.

I take a quick look around and I find it so messy. This is the first time for me to have my room looking like this! It's the right decision because on one hand, I'll waste my time until it gets 2:00, and as for the second hand, I start to feel the way I was before this mess entered my life.

Currently, my room is just as chaotic as my life. I wonder if I can arrange my life the way I'm doing my room right now. Or is my room the only thing I can control and do whatever I want with it?

After cleaning my room, I find that it's only 12:48! Oh god, still have time to waste...

Do I have time to shower? I also need to feed Milo. While wondering about what to do, it hits me.

How could I forget something like that?

And It's right on time! Thank God I remembered.

I get my jeans, black t-shirt and jacket then I enter to take a shower. In the shower, my mind is at its most relaxed and content state. I feel happy and comfortable.

That is until I remember what I have to do today; hang out with Sau and Dave... and I just left a message to my stalker threatening him.

Getting out of the shower, I wear my black jeans and a black shirt that has Batman's logo on it. I finish the look by tying a jacket around my waist, in case it gets cold, and throwing my hair into a ponytail.

I check my mobile to see if Sau and Dave replied to the group chat while I was in the shower. I see two messages.

Sau: "Are you sure? Or after 5 minutes we'll find a message from you saying sorry you'll not come?"

Dave: "Don't worry, Sau. After the 5 minutes that you mentioned she'll send another message saying 'oh sorry guys for my previous message. I'm coming.' She'll come. I'm waiting for you, Lucie, even if I have to come and kidnap you ;)"

A genuine laugh escapes my mouth. They are joking and he's teasing me.

I send: "Stop teasing me; both of you. And no worries I will not hesitate again. Come on. Be ready!"

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